Thursday, January 31, 2008

ما الخير ؟

ذلك الذي يجعل الإنسان إنسانا حي القلب ، ريان الضمير ... و ذلك الذي يجعل منك ملاذا للآخرين ، يأوون إليك كما يأوي المحرور إلى ظل شجرة ، أو كما يأوي الظمآن إلى عين ثرة تفيض بالماء البارد النمير . هو انعكاس إنسانيتك على الآخرين ، و إضفاء فضائل نفسك البارة الكريمة على الحياة و على الأحياء ، و إن خير ما يصنعه المرء في حياته هو أن تسع حياته الناس رحمة و برا و محبة و ودا

خالد محمد خالد من كتابه لقاء مع الرسول

إضافة : عندما نعيش لذواتنا فقط، تبدو لنا الحياة قصيرة ضئيلة ، تبدأ من حيث بدأنا ، وتنتهي بانتهاء عمرنا المحدود ! … أما عندما نعيش لغيرنا ، أي عندما نعيش لفكرة ، فإن الحياة تبدو طويلة عميقة ، تبدأ من حيث بدأت الإنسانية ، وتمتد بعد مفارقتنا لوجه هذه الأرض

Sunday, January 20, 2008

حكمة أندلسية

لكل شيء إذا ما تم نقصان - فلا يغر بطيب العيش إنسان

ا البيت من قصيدة لأبي البقاء الرندي (يعني من مدينة رندة) من أجمل ما كتب في رثاء الأندلس كتبها الشاعر و هو يرى سقوط ممالك الأندلس و مدنه مدينة بعد أخرى و يتأمل في حال الدنيا و دورة هذا الزمان ، فتأملوا يا أولي الأبصار !

لكل شيء إذا ما تم نقصان فلا يغر بطيب العــيــش إنسانُ

هي الأمور كما شاهدتها دول من سرهُ زَمنٌ ساءته أزمانُ

وهذه الدار لا تُبقي على أحد ولا يدوم على حال لها شانُ

يُمزق الدهرُ حتماً كلّ سابغة إذا نبت مشرفيات وخرصانُ

وينتضي كل سيف للفناء ولو كان ابن ذي يزنٍ والغمد غمدانُ

أين الملوك ذوي التيجان من يمن وأين منهم أكاليلٌ وتيجانُ؟

وأين ما شادهُ شدّاد في إرم وأين ما ساسه في الفرس ساسانُ؟

وأين ما حازه قارون من ذهبٍ وأين عادٌ وشدادٌ وقحطانُ؟

أتى على الكل أمر لا مرد له حتى قضوا فكأن القوم ما كانوا

وصار ما كان من ملك ومن ملكٍ كما حكى عن خيال الطيف وسنانُ

فجــــائع الدهر أنواع منوعةٌ وللزمان مــســــراتٌ وأحزانُ

دار الزمان على (دارا) وقاتله وأم كسرى فما آواه إيـــوانُ

كأنما الصعب لم يسهل له سببٌ يوماً ولا ملك الدنيا سليمانُ

وللحوادث سلــوان يسهلها وما لما حـــــلَّ بالإسلام سلوانُ

دهى الجزيرة أمر لا عزاء له هوى له أحــــدٌ وانهدّ ثهلانُ

فاسأل (بلنسية) ما شأن (مرسية) وأين (شاطبة) أم أينَ (جيان)؟

وأين (قرطبة) دار العلوم فكم مـن عالم قد سما فيها له شان؟

وأين (حمص) وما تحويه من نزه ونهرها العذب فياض وملانُ

قواعدٌ كن أركان البلاد فما عسى البقاء إذا لم تبق أركــــانُ

تبكي الحنيفية البيضاء من أسف كما بكى لفراق الألف هيمانُ

يا غافلاً وله في الدهر موعظة إن كنتَ في سنةٍ فالدهر يقظانُ

وماشياً مرحاً يلهيه موطنه أبعد (حمص) تغر المرء أوطانُ !!!؟

تلكَ المصيبةُ أنْسَـــتْ ما تَقَـدَّمَها ومــالهَا مــن طوالِ الدَّهـرِ نِسيــانُ

يا راكبينَ عــتاقَ الخيلِ ضــامرةً كـــأنَّها في مجـــالِ السَبـقِ عُقبانُ

وحاملينَ سيـوفَ الهنـدِ مــُرهَفةً كــأنَّها في ظَـلامِ النَّقــعِ نــيرَانُ

أَعنــدكُم نبأٌ مـــن أهــلِ أنــدلُسٍ فقد ســرى بحــديثِ القــومِ رُكبــانُ

كَم يستغيثُ بنا المستضعفــونَ وهُم قَتلـى وأســـرَى فمــا يهتــزُ إنسانُ

يا مــن لـــذلَّةِ قــومٍ بعدَ عـــزَّتِهِم أحــالَ حـــالهُمْ جــــورٌ وطُغيـانُ

بالأمــسِ كانُوا مُـلُوكاً في ديـارهم واليـومَ هـم في بــلادِ الكفـرِ عُبدانُ

فـلو تــراهُم حَيَارى لا دليــلَ لهــم عليهِــمْ مِــن ثيــابِ الـــذُّلِ ألوَانُ

لمثلِ هـذا يبكِي القــلبُ مِن كَمــدٍ إن كـــانَ في القَلـبِ إســلامٌ وإيمانُ

Monday, January 14, 2008

Palestine and the Jews

do the Jews have a right in Palestine ?
Before we ask this question ; let's ask ourselves a similar one ; do 1.5 milliar muslims have a right in Egypt ? I mean if we one day vanished or escaped this planet to outer space; would the Turks or Albanians have a right in Northern Egypt ; could they occupy the Nile Delta and kick the Christian Copts to the south ? Jews as well as Muslims are not 1 nation or 1 people ; Anthropologically there are Black Ethiopian Jews ; white blonde Khazar Russian Jews and even Mongoloid Chinese Jews ; it's well known as well that Jesus Christ who was a Jew raised up in Palestine spoke Syrian as a mother tongue not Hebrew ; and it's really funny that they use the Davidian Kingdom of Israel - which only lasted for 70 years - to justify the Jewish right in Palestine when everyone knows that there was no Judaism at the time of David ! and that it was Egypt that gave birth to Judaism not Palestine ; I couldn't believe that they use even Quran to prove the Jewish right in this land ; to this extent they think themselves smart and we're fools ? they laugh at us when we say : Let's live together in 1 land from the river to the sea and call it Israel or Isratine or even East Finland ; the 3 religions have always lived there side by side ; so why now the Jewishness of the state ? Our American pal answers "Jews can't live side to side with terrorists" ; but his Jewish state was established by terrorists and all its presidents had a history with the Zionist gangs from Bin Gorion to Sharon or maybe he doesn't know how much settlers cry in front of Baruch Goldstein's shrine in kereat Arba' ; and what did they do wrong the Jews who believed in Jesus or those who converted later on to Islam ; why would you replace them with others who converted to Judaism ? and if they are terrorists and Vandals why do you keep building settlements on their land ; the Jewish state now is bringing down the houses in Jabal Abu Ghanem to build a new settlement and Bush keeps talking about "the facts on Land" that can't be ignored ; so if they don't accept the right of refugees who were kicked out of their homeland 50 years ago and still keep the keys of their houses to return and they keep building Jewish settlements on what remained of Palestine ; what kind of peace do they want with Arabs ?

check out here what couldn't be hiden because of WINE

so it's not a matter of the Hebrews that resided Palestine thousands of years ago nor because of the kingdom of David ; those settlers believe this land was given to them by God ; it's a religious case so let's stop bugging ourselves with history ; screw history books !

Monday, January 7, 2008

Why do we hate Jews ?!

First of all ; i don't hate Jews ; this is just a response to a post by an American Jew titled "Why do muslims hate jews"

Actually i wasn't surprised to read such ideas (that may appear very naive) from them ; maybe i just got used to that :D ; they don't know that islam is against such stereotyping and generalization and that Quran which criticized the Jews many times also stated that : They are NOT all the same ليسوا سواء ، من أهل الكتاب أمة قائمة( 3:113 : Not all of them are alike: Of the People of the Book are a portion that stand (For the right): They rehearse the Signs of Allah all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration. 114 They believe in Allah and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in (all) good works: They are in the ranks of the righteous. )

and there's another verse particularly about the "people of Moses" 7:159 Of the people of Moses there is a section who guide and do justice in the light of truth. و من قوم موسى أمة يهدون بالحق و به يعدلون

Everyone knows that we've never had a history of Anti-semitism like that of Europe ; not only because we are Semites ; but i think it has much to do with our tolerant nature ; it's no secret that Jews of Spain fled the inquisitions not only to Moroco and Algeria but even as far as Istanbul the capital of the Muslim Caliphate ; yet we can't deny there's a strong wave of anti-Semitism ; actually we can't call it so because we Arabs are Semites ; Let us call it anti-Judaism or as our enlightened people wanted it to be "Anti-Zionism" ; even the most extreme muslims in Western eyes still use these old words : Zionism and Zionist to describe the terror and massacres that Israel commits against our people in Palestine and Lebanon ; Listen to al Manar for example and tell me if they ever use words like Jewish or Judaism ; but anyhow here are some real reasons that i think have much to do with this wave of anti-judaism that some of our ignorants may drown under :

1- Political and historical reason ; connected with establishing a Jewish state on a previously mainly Arabic state in 1947 and the conflict which followed that ( 4 wars over 25 years ; then the Lebanese episodes since 1982) with this Jewish existence invading and occupying lands of almost all its neighbors .

2- Religious reasons ; that's about the image that the Jews take in Arab's 2 major religions ; being a rebilious nation and disobedient to God ( Jewish history with Moses ; Jesus and Mohammad peace be upon them usually draws a bad image of the Jews in the Arabic mind )

3-The Jewish Stereotype ; unfortunately Arabs couldn't help stereotyping the Jews ; being misely ; cunning and money loving were all characters stuck to the Jew .

Actually a look on our history with Jews before and after 1948 shows that the 2nd and 3rd reasons are not as important as the first 1 ; nevertheless you can still find muslims who remember God's words : THEY ARE NOT ALL THE SAME ; like this Muslim who risked his life trying to protect Jews being under attack

i hope that you tell me : do we really hate the Jews ? Can we accept this generalization when we know how stupid it is to fall in this Stereotyping trap ?