Friday, July 2, 2010

Here I come Alex

الإسكندرية أخيرا!
الإسكندرية قطر الندى، نفثة السحابة البيضاء، مهبط الشعاع المغسول بماء السماء، وقلب الذكريات المبللة بالشهد والدموع.
ها أنا راجع إليك أخيرا يا إسكندرية!

Alexandria at last. Alexandria the Lady of the Dew, Bloom of white nimbus, Bosom of radiance, wet with sky water. Core of nostalgia steeped in honey and tears.
Here I come back to you at last, Alex!

Miramar, Najeeb Mahfouz


Jo said...

Hi Rain Drops, thanks for always visiting my blog and helping with the Arabic. I see now that I obviously spell an "h" word "gh" (this stems from being South African, lol!) Like Achmer, you say is Ahmer. Thanks for the word for ginger. I've added it to my list of colours. I'm going on leave in a few days' time. How do I tell my house lady that I trust her to do XXX and everything is HER responsibility? (Ie, I hold her responsible for the wellbeing of my pets and my home) Are there such expressions in Arabic? Thanks again for all your help. I really enjoy it when I open your comments. I love languages and try to learn them in foreign countries. Have a good evening. Regards Jo (Khartoum)

Jo said...

Oh I forgot to ask. Where do you find Arabic script on the computer? (Jo)

Rain_Drops said...

you're more than welcome, Jo
I'm gonna leave a detailed answer as a comment in ur blog, since I can't get any emails from ur profile!
or can't you please add mine
telepathy_esper ----> hotm
or parallel_universe3 ----> yaho