First of all ; i don't hate Jews ; this is just a response to a post by an American Jew titled "Why do muslims hate jews"
Actually i wasn't surprised to read such ideas (that may appear very naive) from them ; maybe i just got used to that :D ; they don't know that islam is against such stereotyping and generalization and that Quran which criticized the Jews many times also stated that : They are NOT all the same ليسوا سواء ، من أهل الكتاب أمة قائمة( 3:113 : Not all of them are alike: Of the People of the Book are a portion that stand (For the right): They rehearse the Signs of Allah all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration. 114 They believe in Allah and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in (all) good works: They are in the ranks of the righteous. )
and there's another verse particularly about the "people of Moses" 7:159 Of the people of Moses there is a section who guide and do justice in the light of truth. و من قوم موسى أمة يهدون بالحق و به يعدلون
Everyone knows that we've never had a history of Anti-semitism like that of Europe ; not only because we are Semites ; but i think it has much to do with our tolerant nature ; it's no secret that Jews of Spain fled the inquisitions not only to Moroco and Algeria but even as far as Istanbul the capital of the Muslim Caliphate ; yet we can't deny there's a strong wave of anti-Semitism ; actually we can't call it so because we Arabs are Semites ; Let us call it anti-Judaism or as our enlightened people wanted it to be "Anti-Zionism" ; even the most extreme muslims in Western eyes still use these old words : Zionism and Zionist to describe the terror and massacres that Israel commits against our people in Palestine and Lebanon ; Listen to al Manar for example and tell me if they ever use words like Jewish or Judaism ; but anyhow here are some real reasons that i think have much to do with this wave of anti-judaism that some of our ignorants may drown under :
1- Political and historical reason ; connected with establishing a Jewish state on a previously mainly Arabic state in 1947 and the conflict which followed that ( 4 wars over 25 years ; then the Lebanese episodes since 1982) with this Jewish existence invading and occupying lands of almost all its neighbors .
2- Religious reasons ; that's about the image that the Jews take in Arab's 2 major religions ; being a rebilious nation and disobedient to God ( Jewish history with Moses ; Jesus and Mohammad peace be upon them usually draws a bad image of the Jews in the Arabic mind )
3-The Jewish Stereotype ; unfortunately Arabs couldn't help stereotyping the Jews ; being misely ; cunning and money loving were all characters stuck to the Jew .
Actually a look on our history with Jews before and after 1948 shows that the 2nd and 3rd reasons are not as important as the first 1 ; nevertheless you can still find muslims who remember God's words : THEY ARE NOT ALL THE SAME ; like this Muslim who risked his life trying to protect Jews being under attack
i hope that you tell me : do we really hate the Jews ? Can we accept this generalization when we know how stupid it is to fall in this Stereotyping trap ?
Monday, January 7, 2008
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عزيزي صاحب المدونة
عزيزتي صاحبة المدونة
نتشرف بدعوتك لافتتاح
دار الكتب
هي حلم صاحب البوابة الذي تحقق
طريقة مبتكرة لتوثيق الكتب العربية و نشرها بين الناس بكل سهولة و يسر والدمج بين دور النشر المختلفة لسهولة البحث لاي قارىءوالنشر لاي كاتب
الافتتاح يوم الخميس 10-1-2008
في مكتبة البلد 31 شارع محمد محمود امام الجامعة الامريكية
الساعة السادسة مساءا
يلا نشارك مصطفى فرحته بتحقيق الحلم
الله ينور يا باشا
ميه ميه صحيح
الانجليزي بتاعك ممتاز
يخلينا نكون فخورين بالشباب المصري وقدرته على إجادة اللغات الاجنبية
طبعا صاحب المدونة دي واضح انه افاق ذكي، وكثير من كلامه اكاذيب صرفة
انا على فكرة سبت رد بعدك كمان
لكن هو من نوعية الناس اللي ممكن ما تتعبش نفسك معاهم
هو عارف هو بيقول ايه وواحد بهذا الاطلاع لما يصدر عنه هذا الكلام تتضح عدم موضوعيته بسهولة
اما احنا العرب فالعنصرية موجودة عندنا طبعا
زي اي شعب
لكن العنصرية بتزيد في فترات الانحطاط الثقافي والقهر السياسي والفقر
انا شايف انك تعمل مدونة بالانجليزي
ايه رأيك؟
نقطة مية : أنا عايز أروح أشوف مكتبة البلد دي عشان بس هي في شارع بيحمل اسمي ، يعني لازم أروح أطمن على المسائل
شدو باشا : هو فعلا الواد سلمونة دا أفاق كبير بس أهو احنا كدا نبقى عملنا الواجب و ممكن يتبط شوية و يعرف إننا مش نايمين على وداننا و مش هنسيب واحد سمكة سلمون زيه ينشر أكاذيب عننا أو عن ديننا
مدونة انجليزي ايه يا عم حرام عليك هو أنا فاضي لدي دا أنا احتمال أبيعها في مزاد علني قريب
تبيع المدونة ايه بس
يا راجل تف من بقك ما تقلش كده
ما دامت قد ولدت فلها حق في الحياة والاستمرار
اما الواد سلمونة على رايك
ففعلا لازم العيال دي تلاقي حد يرد عليها
عشان ما يستأثروش بعقول القاريء الغلبان اللي ما يعرفش حاجة
تعرف انا افتكرت بقايا مشروع قديم عندي ان العيال العرب والمسلمين الجدعان يعملوا اتحاد كده ولا مجموعة
تعمل رصد للاعلام الغربي اللي فيه تدليس
ونرد عليه
و الله فكرة شدوية عبقرية يا باشا ممكن تعتبرني أول فرد في المجموعة
do we hate jews ?!
seems like it's not a rule !!
do i hate jews ?! :D
yeah , f*** 'em all :D
It's interesting to see what others think, even if I can only read a few of your posts :)
In response to this: 3-The Jewish Stereotype ; unfortunately Arabs couldn't help stereotyping the Jews ; being misely ; cunning and money loving were all characters stuck to the Jew .--- That stereotype about Jews actually surfaced after the 1600s. They used to be like the "bankers" of Europe...they lent money out, as seen in Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice." They were also merchants, but they fell out of "use" like an old toy, when the first banks were created. Other stereotypes came about earlier, in the Middle Ages, about them being evil, when the Plague came about and people thought Jews were not falling ill, so they must have poisoned the wells for their own use or something of that nature.
Sorry, I tend to get into things like that, and not because I'm Jewish, but because I'm a history nerd. A side note in response to the post above this: The symbolism that Israel holds is what is important to the Jews. It is the fact that after thousands of years of wandering and being turned away and living in a constant state of fear, they might have a place to belong, a place to live wihout fear. That just maybe, they can go outside and not have to worry if someone will report on them, or call them a Kike. That, after all of the suffering, they finally have a free land of their own. The belief that Israel is theirs is because it says so in the Torah, and God proclaimed that one day the Jews would return to Yisra'el, their homeland. There was Judaism in the time of King David, for David had promised God that his son, Solomon, would build a Temple in Jerusalem, but he could not because his hands were covered with the blood of the men he had killed in battles. Abraham is seen as the "father" of the Jewish people.
I don't want to argue about this, since this is something that has long been argued about. In some ways, it's all a matter of opinion, in others it's a matter of religion and/or origin. I would of course be biased about the Jews because I am a Jew, even if I don't believe in God, hypocritical as that sounds :)
No, I don't approve of half the things Israel does, nor do I approve of the retaliations against them or the offensive attacks. Too many people are dying, too much time wasted, time that could have been spent making peace through COMPROMISES. No side can have all or nothing, there needs to be compromise. And no, I don't agree about splitting Jerusalem because that mistake has already been made with Berlin. I don't know why the world can't see that they are going to repeat past mistakes...history is in fact doomed to repeat itself. It makes my heart break to watch the TV and see what's going on in Israel, or even hear about it.
My mom has a client, who is American but Jewish. Her son wanted to go and fight in the Israeli army, so he did. He joined, only 18 years old, and only months later was killed in a bombing attack as his troop was crossing the border back into Israel. My grandmother has a cousin, whose son lays dead and buried, but not because of terrorists. He was walking home, 20 years old, with his friend when his friend was jumped by Neo-Nazis. He didn't know what to do, so he jumped in to help. It took a month to identify who he was, and then call his mother to tell him that he and his friend were killed on a walk home. It's ironic, even in Israel, Jews still aren't safe. What's even more place is safe, not for anyone.
Sorry about my long post, I tend to get carried away :) And I appreciate your comment on my site, thank you very much. I look forward to continuing to write my book and trying to get it published. Hopefully, I will succeed :) Cheers!
Sorry Adrienne ; it seems that i'm too late ; i've just seen ur comment now !
u say "The belief that Israel is theirs is because ..." we don't say that this land isn't for the Jews ; but we say it's not theirs alone ; many Jews converted to Christianity as they believed in Jesus in the 1st century ; shall we ask them to leave their houses because they changed their beliefs ? Israel now should be a land for the 3 religions ; like Palestine has always been >
"and God proclaimed that one day the Jews would return to Yisra'el"
well welcome to our cousins then ; but God didn't say this return should be on expense of the natives ; God wouldn't order his people to form gangs like Haganah and Stern to terrorize the civilians .
Abraham isn't the father of Jewish people ; he's the father of Arabs and Hebrews ; and there r 3 religions named "Abrahamic" not only 1
u shouldn't be biased to any1 ; u should be biased to justice; Adrienne ; our prophet once said to his companions "stand by ur brother whether he's an oppressor or being oppressed" the companions said "we'll stand by him when he's being oppressed ; but how can we when he's an oppressor?!" and the prophet replied "by making him stop his oppression"
Berlin was a different issue ; Jerusalem is a religious city already divided into an Arab part and a Hebrew part.
we're waiting for ur book and thank u for this comment :)
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