Monday, September 27, 2010

On Morals and Modesty

Some sources of the prophet's sayings are mentioned in older posts in Arabic.

"You will not enter paradise until you believe,
and you will not believe until you love one another."

“Modesty and faith are twins. One who gives up one has to lose the other too.”

"Every faith has an innate character. The character of Islam is modesty."

"God has revealed to me that you have to be humble, so that no one boasts over another and no one oppresses another."

The prophet was traveling with his friends once, when he ordered for a cow to be ready for their meal, a man said "I will skin it" and another said "I will cook it", The prophet said "And I will gather the firewood". His companions said "We can get the wood for you, O prophet of God"
The prophet replied "I know that you can gather for me, but I wouldn't like to put myself in a degree higher than you, Allah verily hates to see someone who discriminates himself above his companions"

"He wouldn't enter paradise, he who has an atom weight of arrogance in his heart"

“There is a reward for kindness to every living thing.”

“Cleanliness is part of faith…”

"There's nothing heavier in one's scale on the day of judgement than the good morals"

"The best of the believers is their best in morals"

"The ones that I love the most, and the closest to me in the day of judgement are your best in morals"

Imam Ali was sitting with his son Mohammad, when Mohammad asked him " O father, who was the best of muslims after the prophet?" "Abu Bakr" Ali replied. "Then Who?" Mohammad asked. "Then Omar" Ali said. Mohammad says "I thought he would say Othman if I repeated, so I asked: Then You?
Imam Ali replied "O son, I'm just a man among the muslim men"

‘Religion is sincerity’

“Don’t bear aversion against one another and don’t be jealous of one another and be servants of Allah.”

“There are three signs of a hypocrite: when he speaks he speaks lies, when he makes a promise he breaks it, and when he is trusted he betrays his trust.”

“He who eats his fill while his neighbor goes without food is not a true believer.“

“Shall I not inform you of a better act than fasting, alms and prayers? Making peace between one another: Enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots.”

The prophet said to Abdullah Ibn Abbas:
O young man! Let me teach you a few principles: Observe the rights of God so that God will protect you. Observe His rights in order to find Him always with you. When you ask something, ask it from God. When you seek help, seek it from God. Know that if all people gathered together to benefit you, they would not be able to do so other than by that which God already preordained for you. If, by contrast, they came together to do you harm, they would not be able to do so other than by that which God already preordained against you. The Pen of Destiny was lifted and everything was already ordained

"Seven (groups) of people: God will shade them under His shade on the Day when there will be no shade except His: the just ruler; the young man who has grown up in worship of God; the man greatly attached to mosques; two persons who love each other for God's sake, and meet and then leave each other because of this love; the man who refuses the invitation of a beautiful woman of rank, saying, ‘I fear God’; the man who spends in the way of God so secretly that when he gives in charity to the one on his left, the one on the right does not see it; and the man whose eyes fill with tears when he mentions God in seclusion."

“God has no mercy on one who has no mercy for others.”

“God is most compassionate to those of His servants who are themselves compassionate.”

“The search of knowledge is an obligation laid on every Muslim.”

“He who goes out in search of knowledge is in God’s path till he returns.”

For more Hadiths in English

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