There's a whole life in every drop of blood. Millions of Red Blood Cells, thousands of White Blood Cells, hundred thousands of wandering platelets, Substances which cause clotting "Coagulants", and substances which dissolve the clotting "Anti-coagulants", each knows its part, they regenerate, activate and quench, and when necessary perish, and after all of this, they ask you what's your proof that God exists!
In the blood drop there are substances to generate energy, combustible glucose, simple saturated fats and polyunsaturated ones, Amino acids and proteins, hormones that flow and surge, enzymes, salts, Each having a specific function, Iron and copper, other trace elements in accounted measures, and though they ask you about a proof!
In the blood cell, there are genomes which contain your genetic code, two spiral ribbons rolled upon each other, registering your ancestors inheritance, from your father to Adam Peace Be Upon Him. All their genetic characters, their height, their eye colors, their complexion, their psychological and organic illnesses, a book closed upon its contents, you are indeed all of your ancestors, you are the whole humanity. And after all this, Even though all of this, they ask you what's your proof?
You don't know the geniality of your own body, this enormous godly symphony which is played every moment inside of you, to survive and work out, If only you knew, you would be ashamed to use all this geniality for such a silly life that we're living, As if you force Beethoven to play in a cabaret! Making Picasso write some signs and streamers!
Take for example some simple matter which takes place everyday: you feel hungry, so you eat!! You don't know the complicated mechanisms that make you desire to eat, I won't tell you about the digestion miracle and how it happens, nor absorption and how it occurs, I'll only tell you about the Insulin Geniality.
After food absorption blood glucose rises, Glucose helps the insulin dormant inside pancreas to get out. It binds to certain receptors on the cell wall, and flows inside, then a wonderful chemical dance begins! Insulin then fluxes to the blood stream, goes to remote cells, where glucose stands alone unable to enter the yearning cell, there insulin pays the favor back, help it getting through, doing it in a very swift way: The insulin knocks on the door, binds to fine receptors on the cell wall, A chemical dance begins, more elegant than all ballet dances, dormant molecules wave with its melodies in the depths of the cell, capable of carrying the glucose waiting out the door. These molecules remain dormant till the insulin sign, telling that the glucose is waiting, only then they move towards the cell wall and adhere to it, so glucose can influx through it to the happy cell, and complicated chemical reactions take place to produce the energy necessary for life.
Now the body can exercise its normal activity: moves, talks, quarrels, thinks, asks questions, among those questions - believe it or not! - : What's your proof that God exists?!
ويسألونك عن «الله»
بقلم د. أيمن الجندى ١٤/ ١٠/ ٢٠١٠
فى قطرة الدم حياة كاملة، ملايين الكرات الحمراء، آلاف الكرات البيضاء، مئات الآلاف من الصفائح الدموية الهائمة، مواد تؤدى للتجلط، ومواد تُذيب التجلط، يعرف كل منها دوره، تتجدد، تنشط، تخمد، وعند اللزوم تُفنى نفسها، وبعد ذلك كله، ورغم ذلك كله، يسألونك عن دليلك على وجود الله!
فى قطرة الدم مواد لتوليد الطاقة، جلوكوز قابل للاحتراق، دهون بسيطة ومركبة، وأحماض أمينية وبروتينيات، هرمونات تسيل وتتدفق، إنزيمات، أملاح لكل منها وظيفة محددة، حديد ونحاس وعناصر نادرة كلها بحساب. وبعد ذلك كله، ورغم ذلك كله، يسألونك عن دليلك على وجود الله!
فى شفرة الدم جينومات تحتوى على شفرتك الوراثية، شريطين لولبيين ملتفين حول بعضهما البعض، يحتويان على تراث أجدادك من أبيك إلى آدم عليه السلام، كل صفاتهم الوراثية: طولهم، وزنهم، لون عيونهم، ملمس بشرتهم، أمراضهم النفسية والعضوية، كتاب مغلق على ما فيه، أنت فى الحقيقة أجدادك كلهم، أنت كل الإنسانية. وبعد ذلك كله، ورغم ذلك كله، يسألونك عن دليلك على وجود الله!
أنت لا تعرف عبقرية جسدك، وتلك السيمفونية الربانية الهائلة التى تتم كل لحظة داخلك، كى تظل حيا وتمارس نشاطك. لو عرفت لخجلت أن تكون كل هذه العبقرية من أجل حياة عبيطة كالتى نعيشها. وكأنك تجبر بيتهوفن على العزف فى مقهى بلدى، وتجعل بيكاسو يكتب اللافتات!
خذ على سبيل المثال شيئاً بسيطاً جداً يحدث كل يوم: أنت تجوع فتأكل!!. طبعا أنت لا تعرف الميكانيزمات المعقدة التى تجعلك تشعر بالرغبة فى تناول الطعام. لن أحدثك عن معجزة الهضم وكيف يحدث، ولا الامتصاص وكيف يتم، سأحدثك فقط عن «عبقرية الأنسولين».
بعد امتصاص الطعام يرتفع جلوكوز الدم، يساعد الجلوكوز الأنسولين الكامن داخل البنكرياس على الخروج، يلتحم بمنافذ معينة فى الجدار، ينساب لداخل الخلية. تبدأ رقصة كيميائية بديعة، ينساب الأنسولين على إثرها إلى مجرى الدم، يذهب إلى الخلايا البعيدة، حيث يقف الجلوكوز عاجزا عن دخول الخلية التى تنتظره فى اشتياق.
وهنا يحدث تبادل للأدوار، ويرد الأنسولين الجميل للجلوكوز، فيساعده على دخول الخلية، يفعل ذلك بطريقة رشيقة جداً: يدق الأنسولين الباب مستأذناً. يلتحم بمستقبلات دقيقة فى جدار الخلية، تبدأ رقصة كيميائية أروع من كل رقصات الباليه. تتماوج على أنغامها جزيئات كامنة فى أعماق الخلية عندها القدرة على حمل الجلوكوز الواقف عند الباب. هذه الجزيئات تظل ساكنة حتى تأتيها إشارة الأنسولين، فتعرف أن الجلوكوز على الأبواب. وقتها فقط تتحرك نحو جدار الخلية وتلتحم به، فينساب الجلوكوز من خلالها إلى الخلية السعيدة، ثم تبدأ عمليات كيميائية معقدة لإنتاج الطاقة اللازمة للحياة.
الآن يستطيع الجسد أن يمارس نشاطه الطبيعى: يتحرك، يتحدث، يتشاجر، يفكر، يطرح أسئلة. من جملة هذه الأسئلة - صدق أو لا تصدق: ما دليلك على وجود الله!
المصري اليوم
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Even Angels Ask
The Qur'an informs us that God breathes something of His spirit into every human soul (32:9). This seems to indicate that every human has a seed of the divine attributes within him/her or, in other words, that the virtues he/she experiences are but a breath of the Divine Names.... The goal of the devout Muslim is to grow continually as a receiver and transmitter of God's infinite radiance, to be drawn even nearer to the source of all that is beautiful, and hence, to serve as a Khalifah "Vicar" of God on earth as described in 2:30 page 49
Sunday, October 3, 2010
How people can be so unjust!
Propaganda, folks.....I've been saying this for how long? Hezbollah, if anything they did could be trusted..........
Hezbollywood - CNN admits staging of photos by Hezbollah
In this video Anderson Cooper on CNN admits to staging of photos by Hezbollah with ambulances. tags: hezbollywood hezbollah lebanon war pallywood israel islam muslim terrorism terror palestine qan
Mohammad Mahmoud
There are too many people who were killed already in Israeli attacks on schools and ambulances, which makes it nonsense talking about "staging photos", Miss Karmen :)
Maybe the Unrwa are also faking attacks
Attacking ambulances in West Bank, Don't accuse Hezbollywood here honey
Karmen Wynick Let's see what Honest Reporting has to say. They expose lies in media...all the time......:)
Mohammad Mahmoud These are not media lies Karmen, these are UN reports.
Karmen Wynick ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U.N. reports? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! You made my day, Mahomet. Thank you for the humor. U.N> HAHAHAHAHAHA
Sharon Bussell Nonsense about staging photos? How about the Al-Durra affair Mohammed? And wasn't there something staged by the Algerian media after the Egyptian soccer team beat them? This type of thing is rampant in the Arab media....ask anyone in the region
Karmen Wynick thank you, Sharon. Al-Durra is ALIVE AND Egypt, of all places...or was shortly after. I am not sure where he is now.
George Holmes Hey Mo, If you launch rockets from schools, your schools will be destroyed. Doesn't seem like a good strategy. Why is it that when cowards hide behind children and endanger the children, that Israel is to blame? But when these same cowards strap explosives to their own children, the little ones become martyrs? Of course the cowards still live to "fight" another day...
Mohammad Mahmoud
The photos of Al-Dorra were taken by the French channel 2, It was not Arabic, soccer boy, look for Charles Enderlin
You got to wake up from ur d...reams, Karmen, I hope u don't think the photos of Hoda crying over her dad's body Israel killed on Gaza beach are also staged
Karmen Wynick Dear Mahomet....I wish you could leave your world. It is so corrupt and biased...but, I expect you to believe what your media tells you. It's all you've been given since you left your mother's womb. I hope one day you can leave and see the world from a different angle
Kendra M Adams
And, if you hide in civilian buildings and use children as human shields, what can you expect sometimes? The difference is, really, is that Israelis NEVER TARGET children and innocents while Muslims-- whether Hezbollah, Hamas, other Muslim ......groups, DO TARGET INNOCENTS. Furthermore, if you laid down your weapons today, there's be no more war. Israel just wants to exist while most of the Muslim world wants it wiped off the face of the earth.
Islam is supremacist and the Koran teaches to hate all Jews and Christians and that all infidels should be subdued, converted and/or killed until dar al Islam-- until the entire world is under sharia law. This is what drives jihad. . . not any border dispute
Mohammad Mahmoud
We were not launchin rockets from Bahr El Baqar, my friend
My media didn't give me those pages on wikipedia, Karmen, It's u who should think of using ur 2 eyes, not living as a one-eyed Cyclope :)
You used the words "Israelis" Kendra, why did u use "Muslims" not Hamas and Hezbollah?
Where does Quran teache so? I had a long conversation with Karmen about hate verses in Quran, I told her to bring me any more verses she could find, I extend the deal to u, and I won't talk about orders to smash babies heads in ur holy book, I promise u this
Kendra M Adams Because Islam drives the Arab world, and Judaism doesn't drive the Israelis' behavior. Israel and America are driven by democratic values. The muslim world is driven by Islamic values. Your whole life is run by a 7th century barbaric ideology. That's why
Karmen Wynick Wikipedia again? Good grief. Mahomet, don't embarrass yourself.
Kendra M Adams Have you READ the Koran, the Hadiths, Mohammad? I have. I've been studying Islam for 10 years and have a koran in front of me now. All the peaceful verses were abrogated by violent murderous verses. Let me ask YOU something, Mohammad. Was your "prophet" the perfect ideal human being? Do you believe his behavior to be perfect-- behavior to emulate?
Mohammad Mahmoud
I guess you wouldn't believe any source mentioning the casualties in our school children, Karmen, including Israeli sources, so spare my time
The Israelis returned to this promised land because of Judaism, Kendra, Please tell Karmen about what u see exactly in my barbaric ideology that I should change :)
Mohammad Mahmoud Yes, Kendra. I believe so, and please just put ur verses here to take a look with the fellows
kendra M Adams That's right; they did, Mohammad. But, they don't target you because they are Jews or because you aren't Jewish-- they fight to defend their existence. The Muslims kill Israelis because they are Jews and because they are non-Muslims.
Kendra M Adams So, everything mohammed did, then, was perfect-- but he advocated rape, murder, beheadings, child marriage/rape, theft and lies. . . and this is perfect to you if it furthers the spread of Islam and sharia?
Mohammad Mahmoud We had a long history of Jewish existence in muslim countries when u were putting the Jews on fire in the West, Kendra and we didn't kill them because they were Jews
Mohammad Mahmoud He didn't do any of this, Jesus of the bible may have done some, but not Mohammad
Mohammad Mahmoud When Mohammad returned back in victory to Mecca, the city that he had to leave to save his life, he didn't kill 1 single person, including those who killed his uncle Hamza and mutilated his body, check what the bible says about Jesus ordering to kill when he entered Jerusalem
Kendra M Adams
Jesus? ahahha. . .Jesus forgave his enemies; Mohammed murdered them! Jesus preached love and tolerance. . . Mohammad preached that anything was okay as long as it furthered the spread of Islam. You know nothing at all, Mohammad.
Mohammad mandated jihad-- whether by propaganda, by money, or by sword. Jihadists do what they do today because of what was written 1400 years ago.
Mohammad Mahmoud Luke 19 : 27, just to save ur time
Mohammad Mahmoud Don't ever talk again without sources, Kendra, Please use that Quran in front of u so I can respond to u
Karmen Wynick Mahomet. Luke 19:27 is a starts in verse 11 and goes through verse 27. A parable is a story to illustrate a greater point. Jesus did not order anyone to be killed. This is a story/parable he is telling.
Kendra M Adams Oh please, Mohammad. . . one controversial chapter in the whole New Testament. . . when 70% of the Koran is violent. I'm not here to defend Christianity, because Christians aren't out to kill us. Islamic law teaches that you are supposed to deceive the kafir, try to convert us, subdue us, and then finally kill us. There is nothing remotely similar in the OT (despite some of its violence) NOR the New Testament.
Mohammad Mahmoud And wasn't Jesus the same God who ordered killing and stoning through out the Old Testament, Karmen? Why did he have this change of heart?
Kendra M Adams
And that verse isn't used to justify violence today-- it's considered a kind of metaphor or parable. . . that if you don't follow Jesus or accept Jesus, you will suffer AFTER DEATH in hell. . . it's not interpreted as a verse that justifies killing. Maybe once it did, but people today consider that a misapplication of theology. Furthermore, Jesus NEVER killed or raped or had sex with children. Mohammad did.
The difference is, in Islam, if one follows the example of Jesus, they are loving, kind, forgiving. If one follows the path of Mohammed, they are rapists, pedophiles, murderers
Mohammad Mahmoud Is this a science fiction movie u'r telling here Kendra? please tell me where is all this u're talkin about, let me try out ur 10 years studies
Who are the enemies who didn't want the man to reign in the story, Karmen?
Mohammad Mahmoud Okay, Kendra, I'm then a rapist and a murderer, this is why u have to kill me!
Mohammad Mahmoud It's funny that some idiots were preachin that the swords Jesus ordered his companions to buy were metaphorical too!
Kendra M Adams
You know, do Jews stone today? No, they don't, because Judaism has been reformed and has had ongoing reformation. Christianity has had two major reformations. Islam will never even have ONE because the Koran is considered the eternal perfe...ct word of God. . . unchangeable and to even SUGGEST you disregard the verses that mandate murder and torture etc., is considered blasphemy.
In the OT, God only ordered violence to a specific enemy at a specific time in a specific place. Once the enemy was defeated, violence was over and there was no "jihad" concept as there is in Islam. Jewish law was considered for Jews ONLY and it was never considered that non-jews should follow Jewish law. It had nothing to do with anyone else.
Conversely, Sharia is mandated for ALL-- muslims and non-Muslims alike. Whether we want to live under it or not-- you are supposed to do jihad until we are subdued/dhimmified, converted, or killed. Period. Until there's a world wide umma. Until we're all under sharia law.
Mohammad Mahmoud We're talkin about a nature of a God, Kendra, not about human reforms!
You haven't mentioned any sources yet, unfortunately
Kendra M Adams Well, where do you want to begin? How should I begin, Mohammad? Surah 9:5? 8:39? 8:12? 3:151? 2:191?
Karmen Wynick @ Mohammad: It is a parable about 'stewardship.' More later. I am on West Coast time and must go to bed. I have the Middle East to save tomorrow. Big job, I know, but somebody has to do it. Night all! :)
Kendra M Adams How on earth do you want to do this? I can cut and paste Koran verses from all over the internet. . . that you're denying their violence is incredible to me.
Tarun Mehta christianity may or may not have taught violence,,but christians ddint kill anyone when eltonjohn said jesus was g*y...but we can see the peaceful protests by muslims all over the world by burning embassies and recently muslims burnt down the missionary school in kashmir on the hoax information of qurans being burnt down in america,,
Mohammad Mahmoud
to understand 9:5 u have to look at 9:4 first "Except for those with whom u had a treaty among those disbelievers, if they did not reduce anything from it nor did they plan to attack u, u shall fulfill their terms until they expire, God loves the righteous
9:5 itself talks about certain people in certain time and place, just like u defended the OT God
and then 9:6
If any of those disbelievers seek ur protection, then u may protect them, then u may protect him so that he may hear the words of God, then let him reach his sanctuary.
Say to the ingrates"If they cease, then what has passed before will be forgiven to them"
8:39 You should fight them all until there's no more OPPRESSION, and the other half of the verse : but if they CEASE then God is seer of what they do.
8:40 If they turn away, know that God is ur patron, what an excellent patron!
8:13 That's because they have aggressed...
3:151 What's with casting fear in the hearts of the infidels? They were waging a war against the believers!
2:190 Fight in the cause of God against THOSE WHO FIGHT YOU, but do not transgress, God loves not the agressors!
192 : If they cease, then God is Forgiving, Compassionate
Mohammad Mahmoud
Christians didn't kill anyone through out their history, Tarun? Anyway you shouldn't fall into this logical fallacy and judge the religion according to some humans actions
Kendra : Give me more from the internet, I'm just disappointed in ur ...10 years wasted in vain this way!
Tarun Mehta well mohmammed ..relgion doesnt exist on a piece of book alone it is demonstrated by the actions of its followers....muslim actions is attachable to character of islam...
Kendra M Adams
If it wasn't for the consistent theme of hatred and enmity towards the kafirs throughout the entire koran, hadith, and the sunna. . . 9:5 is CONSISTENT with everything else. When you say it's out of context, it's not at all "out of context"...; it's the central theme in the Koran. IF there was no other discussion of these themes, then you could say that 9:5 is an exception and could be thrown out. But, it comes up again and again and again-- it's not exceptional, it's the commonality. To suggest it's not, is a misreading of the text.
There are two sets of rules in Islam-- one is how Muslims treat Muslims and the other is how Muslims treat non-Muslims or the infidels, the unBelievers.
Also, I don't want to do Islam quotes with you because we could do this all night and won't get anywhere. I'll give you a quote and you'll pretend it means something else.
Mohammad Mahmoud So, u believe that ALL muslims are rapists and murderers, Tarun?
Tarun Mehta where did i say that....
muslim action whether they are good or bad are attachable to behavior sheet of islam..
Mohammad Mahmoud
You're wrong Kendra, Quran is full of verses talkin about the disbelievers and how we should deal fairly with even if they wrong us
Quran 60:8 God does not forbid you from those who have not fought you because of your religion, nor drove yo...u out of your homes, that you deal kindly and equitably, For God loves the equitable.
9 : God only forbid you regarding those who fought you because of your religion and drove you out of your homes, and helped to drive you out, You should not ally with them
Kendra M Adams
Proponents of Islam ALWAYS defend the violence as defensive. But, in Islam, defensive means something different. Any unbeliever or unIslamic culture that doesn't accept Islam is considered to be attacking Islam. Therefore, Islam fights against the unBeliever "defensively" because they consider themselves attacked because Islam isn't accepted. That's the twisted logic of Islam. .. the "non-Acceptance" is considered an attack upon Islam.
That is why Islam is at war with the unbelievers perpetually. Because, whenever we haven't accepted Islam, we're considered to have attacked Islam. It is completely contrary to the Western concepts of these terms: attack and defense.
Tarun Mehta mohammed can u guide us about jizya(the islamic tax on non muslims)
Mohammad Mahmoud But neither muslims nor christians are one, Tarun
You may like to read about Sufism and its strickt asceticism and moral system, which are the core of Islam
Kendra M Adams Mohammad, those verses that are peaceful and sweet and loving are all abrogated by violent hateful verses.
Tarun Mehta sufism is it the sect of islam...or does islam teach sufism...?
we have got other sects to like wahabism,salafi and what not..
Kendra M Adams You know what, Mohammad? You may be peaceful. . . and that's nice. . .but that doesn't make you a moderate Muslim, it makes you an extreme Muslim. According to doctrine, you are mandated to support jihad and bring about sharia law.
Mohammad Mahmoud No Kendra, those verses can never be abrogated because they talk in general, like "Let there be no compulsion in religion, the truth stands out clear" It's in the same chapter 2 which is inspired during the wars with the infidels, it can never be abrogated by verses who are clearly talkin about certain people and certain time!
Mohammad Mahmoud And I showed u that the abrogating verses that u mentioned are clearly stated about the infidels who are fighting muslims, and clearly ordering to comply to peace if they cease aggression, how can verses full of God not loving the aggressors be abrogated?
Kendra M Adams But they all share the same Koran,Tarun. . . the doctrine is the same no matter what.
Kendra M Adams Mohammad, your "prophet" ordered that all of Arabia should be only one religion right before he died. . . those were some of his final words. . . and when he died, his followers followed his orders! That was not and could not be abrogated.
Mohammad Mahmoud Jezya is a tax given by Christians and Jews to the state in response to protection of them as citizens, if they share in the army they don't pay Jezya and if muslim army retreats, Jezia is given back to them, like what happened to the people of Syria during the wars with the Romans, Muslims also pay a tax to the state named Zakah
Mohammad Mahmoud Don't talk with such generalization Kendra, again name some sources, don't talk about 1.5 billion muslims as if they were one group, they are pretty much different and variable in their understanding and practicing of Islam
Tarun Mehta did bible have verse on zakaah....
hahaha...what u have to pay tax for being a non- muslim ...? islamic equality is great..only minority of non-muslims may be in army remaining should pay taxes isnt it...?
Mohammad Mahmoud Teachings of Sufism are the teachings of Quran and Sunna, Read any book about Sufism, they don't have additional sources for their teachings.
Tarun Mehta freedom of minorities in islamic countries shows the version of islam they are practicing.
and wahabi do they read any other book..?
Mohammad Mahmoud If u don't want to pay the tax of Jezia, u can join the army, Tarun, I wish I could do this now, pay the Jezia I mean!
Tarun Mehta i have to be either in army or pay jizya...sad that islamic countries arent practicing what they are taught in islam..? jizya i mean!
Mohammad Mahmoud
For so long time, freedom of minorities in Muslim countries were much better than in most Western countries, specially towards the Jews.
Wahabbis differ in their understanding the Quran and Sunna, they are more radical, blame them not Islam
In most countries, my friend u have to join the army, It's a duty on u towards ur people and ur homeland
Kendra M Adams
Let's get down to essentials. After your prophet did the hijra to Medina, he became a violent warlord. Islam did not grow with prophet mohammad as a peaceful purveyor of his new religion. It grew because he conquered and killed people. W...hen people get the Koran from the bookstore and read it, they always say, "Gee, I read the Koran but I don't understand it". They don't understand it because the chapters have been put in order arbitrarily, mostly by size, with one or two exceptions.
The problem with an arbitrary ordering of chapters is that all chronology has been removed.
Our scholars have put the chronology back into the Koran so that it can be understood as it was written (or, to Muslims, "revealed"). there is no argument that the Koran was "revealed" to Mohammad during the course of his life. The only way to understand the Koran is to match it with the events of Mohammad's life which are found in the Sira and Hadith and make up the Sunna. When this is done, the message of the Koran becomes very clear. The ordering of Koranic surahs can only be understood insofar as they are linked with the Sira, or Mohammad's life.
In this way ONLY is abrogation understood. The earlier verses are abrogated by later verses, Allah said that this was so, and only in chronological order can the abrogated verses be identified and the later authoritative verses be seen.
Unfortunately for us all, the later verses are violent and hate-filled and intolerant.
Defenders of Islam who speak glowingly of their prophet and his warfare ALWAYS describe Mohammad's violence as defensive. However, the Koranic concept of offense and defense-- attack and defense, are contrary to Western concepts of the same terms. In Islam, when Islam is rejected by the unbelievers, the Umma considers this an attack upon Islam which justifies violent action upon the unbelievers who have rejected Islam. This is exactly what Mohammad did 1400 years ago, too.
When a defender says, "Mohammad's wars were defensive", the term "defensive" is actually upside down from a westerner's concept because no westerner would suggest that a rejection of an invitation is an attack. This essentially means that, with this concept of the rejection of Islam as an attack that, therefore ALL Islamic doctrinal violence is "defensive" in character. This allows the Islam apologist to talk about defensive warfare in a debate such as this.
The foundation of the confusion in the West about Islam is about the confusion of terminology. The following terms mean the OPPOSITE to Islam than they do to Westerners:
If Islam is peaceful, then the defender of Islam who claims that it's peaceful HAS TO EXPLAIN why is Islam about the implementation of Sharia law across the world and why is Sharia law so viciously intolerant and cruel? If Sharia law is the legal system of Islam, and if the purpose of Islam is to implement its legal system upon believers and non-believers alike, how can the argument be made that Islam is tolerant and peaceful? We see sharia law implemented daily in the Muslim world. It ain't peaceful.
Mohammad Mahmoud
The chapters of Quran are arranged according to size, but actually most verses that I mentioned here were inspired in Medina not Mecca, u can check ur own version of Quran u should find the sequence in the end.
If Mohammad turned violent, th...en there was no moment better than the moment he entered his old city Mecca, he didn't revenge, he even changed his horse with a mule on entering the city, out of modesty.
The chronology is actually put by our scholars, this is why u refuse the plain truth that verses which order us to deal just and good with the disbelievers were actually inspired in the late days of the prophet, not in Mecca.
Check the verses of fighting that u just mentioned, They are clear in excluding those who don't fight muslims, ordering muslims to comply to peace whenever it's possible. What more do u need after ordering to kill the infidels than asserting that God loves not the aggressors?
Tell me about the abrogated verses and the abrogating ones so I can show u how do u wrong Islam
Read this Kendra
Shari'a laws are implemented in Muslim countries? There are only 2 countries which apply harsh shari'a laws which are Saudi Arabia and Iran, this means u consider the rest countries moderate?
You haven't mentioned where Islam teaches us to implement of Sharia law across the world
Mohammad Mahmoud And u should tell us more how ur weasel scholars could reach the chronology that we removed :d
Tarun Mehta
"In most countries, my friend u have to join the army, It's a duty on u towards ur people and ur homeland..."
homeland is one which doesnt discriminate u on the basis of religion u practice and it is not the one who imposes special taxes to...wards on any people..
Kendra M Adams
Weasel? lol. . .I thought nonMuslims were apes and pigs. . . that's new to me. . .see? we all have something to learn.
As for chronology, it's clear if you know Mo's biographical details as found in the Sira. . . it's not rocket science, Mo...hammad. It just takes some time. But, there's no sense in reading the Koran out of order. It makes sense and is understandable when read in proper order, how Mohammad claimed it was "revealed" (lol).
I'm glad you want to learn.
Kendra M Adams Islamic law:
Tomorrow. :D
Puneet Madaan
did i hear UN ambulance reference without a mention about how they are used to transfer weapon and terrorist ...
>> Bahr el-Baqar incident
references of 6 days war ... WOW, even a idiot knows that it was a war provoked by Arabs & not from Israel.. Expecting that Israel know every part of Egyptian demography, & that too in post GPS time... when hardly any way was possible for a plane to distinguish between a regular building & school is Just a classic example of how Muslim carve their logic.
anyways did egypt officially provided a map telling location of schools before declared 6 days war ? NO .... beside its a Islamic practice to bomb civilians deliberately, Mumbai 26/11 incident was the best example about how the peoples of ummah think & use map technology. In our democratic world, we try to separate civilian & military zone to minimize the loss of civilian lives during war...
>>to understand 9:5 u have to look at 9:4 first "Except for those with whom u had a
if i am right mohammed, the koran is not chronologic text, rather the suras are unordered text binded into a book(including a few later created as a replica because goat ate many of them during Mo's death), and Muslim clerigy tells to read them in the way they were spewed out of mohammed's mouth, & not the way they are in book.
anyways Every religion claim that if one do not follow its path, then he/she will suffer in hell in After life... but in islam, the follower make life of others a hell by sticking with the sick ideology of 6th century war-lord.... who wanted everyone to surrender to him or die (oh & later formatting & introduced text pushed by later caliphs )....
P.S. regarding sufism, then islam is no orthodoxy, its orthopraxy .... the sect are organized not on basis of interpretation, rather on level of deviation the sect has moved away/towards the action of Mohammed. the main driving source of Islamic militancy is not based on interpretation, rather it comes from the people that tune themselves to mohammed...
Bahai's & Ahmedis are not considered Muslims anymore in many countries because they reached a point from where the blood-thurstiness demanded by mohammed in action can not be fulfilled...
Remember i haven't seen any proclamation that throws salafis, wahabis, talibanis, deobandis out of islam, but we do observe the bahais, ahmedis designated officially as kuffars (even in moderates of Islamic nation including pakistan, Malaysia etc etc)...
Mohammad Mahmoud
Kendra: These 3 lashes for selling rice doesn't come from Quran nor Mohammad's teachings, so don't blame Islam for it. You should read about the dark side of Christian history better, When the church reigned, so that you know how much atrocities were made in the name of The Christ (pbuh), and avoid falling in such fallacies.
I told Kendra before, even those violent verses are clear to be about fighting transgressors only, No one has the right to call any other who says I'm a muslim "a kafir' these are our teachings
The goat who ate the verse Hadith is only a silly attempt to bring this Toratic stoning punishment to Islam, It's against Quranic teachings, and the Hadith isn't authentic or even known to most muslims, u'll find it mainly used to attack Al-Bukhari's book, because such Hadith would be offensive for the public, they don't even know that verse of stoning.
Bahr El Baqar incident wasn't during the 6 days war, it was one of a series of Israeli attacks against Egyptian civilian targets to push Naser to end the war of attrition against Israeli occupying forces in Sinai, so save ur nonsense to urself, If u want to deny Israeli atrocities against civilians, including those recognized by the U.N, like Goldstone's Gaza report, then I don't see much difference between you and the Wahabbis",7340,L-3885954,00.html
(FaceBook Diaries)
Hezbollywood - CNN admits staging of photos by Hezbollah
In this video Anderson Cooper on CNN admits to staging of photos by Hezbollah with ambulances. tags: hezbollywood hezbollah lebanon war pallywood israel islam muslim terrorism terror palestine qan
Mohammad Mahmoud
There are too many people who were killed already in Israeli attacks on schools and ambulances, which makes it nonsense talking about "staging photos", Miss Karmen :)
Maybe the Unrwa are also faking attacks
Attacking ambulances in West Bank, Don't accuse Hezbollywood here honey
Karmen Wynick Let's see what Honest Reporting has to say. They expose lies in media...all the time......:)
Mohammad Mahmoud These are not media lies Karmen, these are UN reports.
Karmen Wynick ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U.N. reports? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! You made my day, Mahomet. Thank you for the humor. U.N> HAHAHAHAHAHA
Sharon Bussell Nonsense about staging photos? How about the Al-Durra affair Mohammed? And wasn't there something staged by the Algerian media after the Egyptian soccer team beat them? This type of thing is rampant in the Arab media....ask anyone in the region
Karmen Wynick thank you, Sharon. Al-Durra is ALIVE AND Egypt, of all places...or was shortly after. I am not sure where he is now.
George Holmes Hey Mo, If you launch rockets from schools, your schools will be destroyed. Doesn't seem like a good strategy. Why is it that when cowards hide behind children and endanger the children, that Israel is to blame? But when these same cowards strap explosives to their own children, the little ones become martyrs? Of course the cowards still live to "fight" another day...
Mohammad Mahmoud
The photos of Al-Dorra were taken by the French channel 2, It was not Arabic, soccer boy, look for Charles Enderlin
You got to wake up from ur d...reams, Karmen, I hope u don't think the photos of Hoda crying over her dad's body Israel killed on Gaza beach are also staged
Karmen Wynick Dear Mahomet....I wish you could leave your world. It is so corrupt and biased...but, I expect you to believe what your media tells you. It's all you've been given since you left your mother's womb. I hope one day you can leave and see the world from a different angle
Kendra M Adams
And, if you hide in civilian buildings and use children as human shields, what can you expect sometimes? The difference is, really, is that Israelis NEVER TARGET children and innocents while Muslims-- whether Hezbollah, Hamas, other Muslim ......groups, DO TARGET INNOCENTS. Furthermore, if you laid down your weapons today, there's be no more war. Israel just wants to exist while most of the Muslim world wants it wiped off the face of the earth.
Islam is supremacist and the Koran teaches to hate all Jews and Christians and that all infidels should be subdued, converted and/or killed until dar al Islam-- until the entire world is under sharia law. This is what drives jihad. . . not any border dispute
Mohammad Mahmoud
We were not launchin rockets from Bahr El Baqar, my friend
My media didn't give me those pages on wikipedia, Karmen, It's u who should think of using ur 2 eyes, not living as a one-eyed Cyclope :)
You used the words "Israelis" Kendra, why did u use "Muslims" not Hamas and Hezbollah?
Where does Quran teache so? I had a long conversation with Karmen about hate verses in Quran, I told her to bring me any more verses she could find, I extend the deal to u, and I won't talk about orders to smash babies heads in ur holy book, I promise u this
Kendra M Adams Because Islam drives the Arab world, and Judaism doesn't drive the Israelis' behavior. Israel and America are driven by democratic values. The muslim world is driven by Islamic values. Your whole life is run by a 7th century barbaric ideology. That's why
Karmen Wynick Wikipedia again? Good grief. Mahomet, don't embarrass yourself.
Kendra M Adams Have you READ the Koran, the Hadiths, Mohammad? I have. I've been studying Islam for 10 years and have a koran in front of me now. All the peaceful verses were abrogated by violent murderous verses. Let me ask YOU something, Mohammad. Was your "prophet" the perfect ideal human being? Do you believe his behavior to be perfect-- behavior to emulate?
Mohammad Mahmoud
I guess you wouldn't believe any source mentioning the casualties in our school children, Karmen, including Israeli sources, so spare my time
The Israelis returned to this promised land because of Judaism, Kendra, Please tell Karmen about what u see exactly in my barbaric ideology that I should change :)
Mohammad Mahmoud Yes, Kendra. I believe so, and please just put ur verses here to take a look with the fellows
kendra M Adams That's right; they did, Mohammad. But, they don't target you because they are Jews or because you aren't Jewish-- they fight to defend their existence. The Muslims kill Israelis because they are Jews and because they are non-Muslims.
Kendra M Adams So, everything mohammed did, then, was perfect-- but he advocated rape, murder, beheadings, child marriage/rape, theft and lies. . . and this is perfect to you if it furthers the spread of Islam and sharia?
Mohammad Mahmoud We had a long history of Jewish existence in muslim countries when u were putting the Jews on fire in the West, Kendra and we didn't kill them because they were Jews
Mohammad Mahmoud He didn't do any of this, Jesus of the bible may have done some, but not Mohammad
Mohammad Mahmoud When Mohammad returned back in victory to Mecca, the city that he had to leave to save his life, he didn't kill 1 single person, including those who killed his uncle Hamza and mutilated his body, check what the bible says about Jesus ordering to kill when he entered Jerusalem
Kendra M Adams
Jesus? ahahha. . .Jesus forgave his enemies; Mohammed murdered them! Jesus preached love and tolerance. . . Mohammad preached that anything was okay as long as it furthered the spread of Islam. You know nothing at all, Mohammad.
Mohammad mandated jihad-- whether by propaganda, by money, or by sword. Jihadists do what they do today because of what was written 1400 years ago.
Mohammad Mahmoud Luke 19 : 27, just to save ur time
Mohammad Mahmoud Don't ever talk again without sources, Kendra, Please use that Quran in front of u so I can respond to u
Karmen Wynick Mahomet. Luke 19:27 is a starts in verse 11 and goes through verse 27. A parable is a story to illustrate a greater point. Jesus did not order anyone to be killed. This is a story/parable he is telling.
Kendra M Adams Oh please, Mohammad. . . one controversial chapter in the whole New Testament. . . when 70% of the Koran is violent. I'm not here to defend Christianity, because Christians aren't out to kill us. Islamic law teaches that you are supposed to deceive the kafir, try to convert us, subdue us, and then finally kill us. There is nothing remotely similar in the OT (despite some of its violence) NOR the New Testament.
Mohammad Mahmoud And wasn't Jesus the same God who ordered killing and stoning through out the Old Testament, Karmen? Why did he have this change of heart?
Kendra M Adams
And that verse isn't used to justify violence today-- it's considered a kind of metaphor or parable. . . that if you don't follow Jesus or accept Jesus, you will suffer AFTER DEATH in hell. . . it's not interpreted as a verse that justifies killing. Maybe once it did, but people today consider that a misapplication of theology. Furthermore, Jesus NEVER killed or raped or had sex with children. Mohammad did.
The difference is, in Islam, if one follows the example of Jesus, they are loving, kind, forgiving. If one follows the path of Mohammed, they are rapists, pedophiles, murderers
Mohammad Mahmoud Is this a science fiction movie u'r telling here Kendra? please tell me where is all this u're talkin about, let me try out ur 10 years studies
Who are the enemies who didn't want the man to reign in the story, Karmen?
Mohammad Mahmoud Okay, Kendra, I'm then a rapist and a murderer, this is why u have to kill me!
Mohammad Mahmoud It's funny that some idiots were preachin that the swords Jesus ordered his companions to buy were metaphorical too!
Kendra M Adams
You know, do Jews stone today? No, they don't, because Judaism has been reformed and has had ongoing reformation. Christianity has had two major reformations. Islam will never even have ONE because the Koran is considered the eternal perfe...ct word of God. . . unchangeable and to even SUGGEST you disregard the verses that mandate murder and torture etc., is considered blasphemy.
In the OT, God only ordered violence to a specific enemy at a specific time in a specific place. Once the enemy was defeated, violence was over and there was no "jihad" concept as there is in Islam. Jewish law was considered for Jews ONLY and it was never considered that non-jews should follow Jewish law. It had nothing to do with anyone else.
Conversely, Sharia is mandated for ALL-- muslims and non-Muslims alike. Whether we want to live under it or not-- you are supposed to do jihad until we are subdued/dhimmified, converted, or killed. Period. Until there's a world wide umma. Until we're all under sharia law.
Mohammad Mahmoud We're talkin about a nature of a God, Kendra, not about human reforms!
You haven't mentioned any sources yet, unfortunately
Kendra M Adams Well, where do you want to begin? How should I begin, Mohammad? Surah 9:5? 8:39? 8:12? 3:151? 2:191?
Karmen Wynick @ Mohammad: It is a parable about 'stewardship.' More later. I am on West Coast time and must go to bed. I have the Middle East to save tomorrow. Big job, I know, but somebody has to do it. Night all! :)
Kendra M Adams How on earth do you want to do this? I can cut and paste Koran verses from all over the internet. . . that you're denying their violence is incredible to me.
Tarun Mehta christianity may or may not have taught violence,,but christians ddint kill anyone when eltonjohn said jesus was g*y...but we can see the peaceful protests by muslims all over the world by burning embassies and recently muslims burnt down the missionary school in kashmir on the hoax information of qurans being burnt down in america,,
Mohammad Mahmoud
to understand 9:5 u have to look at 9:4 first "Except for those with whom u had a treaty among those disbelievers, if they did not reduce anything from it nor did they plan to attack u, u shall fulfill their terms until they expire, God loves the righteous
9:5 itself talks about certain people in certain time and place, just like u defended the OT God
and then 9:6
If any of those disbelievers seek ur protection, then u may protect them, then u may protect him so that he may hear the words of God, then let him reach his sanctuary.
Say to the ingrates"If they cease, then what has passed before will be forgiven to them"
8:39 You should fight them all until there's no more OPPRESSION, and the other half of the verse : but if they CEASE then God is seer of what they do.
8:40 If they turn away, know that God is ur patron, what an excellent patron!
8:13 That's because they have aggressed...
3:151 What's with casting fear in the hearts of the infidels? They were waging a war against the believers!
2:190 Fight in the cause of God against THOSE WHO FIGHT YOU, but do not transgress, God loves not the agressors!
192 : If they cease, then God is Forgiving, Compassionate
Mohammad Mahmoud
Christians didn't kill anyone through out their history, Tarun? Anyway you shouldn't fall into this logical fallacy and judge the religion according to some humans actions
Kendra : Give me more from the internet, I'm just disappointed in ur ...10 years wasted in vain this way!
Tarun Mehta well mohmammed ..relgion doesnt exist on a piece of book alone it is demonstrated by the actions of its followers....muslim actions is attachable to character of islam...
Kendra M Adams
If it wasn't for the consistent theme of hatred and enmity towards the kafirs throughout the entire koran, hadith, and the sunna. . . 9:5 is CONSISTENT with everything else. When you say it's out of context, it's not at all "out of context"...; it's the central theme in the Koran. IF there was no other discussion of these themes, then you could say that 9:5 is an exception and could be thrown out. But, it comes up again and again and again-- it's not exceptional, it's the commonality. To suggest it's not, is a misreading of the text.
There are two sets of rules in Islam-- one is how Muslims treat Muslims and the other is how Muslims treat non-Muslims or the infidels, the unBelievers.
Also, I don't want to do Islam quotes with you because we could do this all night and won't get anywhere. I'll give you a quote and you'll pretend it means something else.
Mohammad Mahmoud So, u believe that ALL muslims are rapists and murderers, Tarun?
Tarun Mehta where did i say that....
muslim action whether they are good or bad are attachable to behavior sheet of islam..
Mohammad Mahmoud
You're wrong Kendra, Quran is full of verses talkin about the disbelievers and how we should deal fairly with even if they wrong us
Quran 60:8 God does not forbid you from those who have not fought you because of your religion, nor drove yo...u out of your homes, that you deal kindly and equitably, For God loves the equitable.
9 : God only forbid you regarding those who fought you because of your religion and drove you out of your homes, and helped to drive you out, You should not ally with them
Kendra M Adams
Proponents of Islam ALWAYS defend the violence as defensive. But, in Islam, defensive means something different. Any unbeliever or unIslamic culture that doesn't accept Islam is considered to be attacking Islam. Therefore, Islam fights against the unBeliever "defensively" because they consider themselves attacked because Islam isn't accepted. That's the twisted logic of Islam. .. the "non-Acceptance" is considered an attack upon Islam.
That is why Islam is at war with the unbelievers perpetually. Because, whenever we haven't accepted Islam, we're considered to have attacked Islam. It is completely contrary to the Western concepts of these terms: attack and defense.
Tarun Mehta mohammed can u guide us about jizya(the islamic tax on non muslims)
Mohammad Mahmoud But neither muslims nor christians are one, Tarun
You may like to read about Sufism and its strickt asceticism and moral system, which are the core of Islam
Kendra M Adams Mohammad, those verses that are peaceful and sweet and loving are all abrogated by violent hateful verses.
Tarun Mehta sufism is it the sect of islam...or does islam teach sufism...?
we have got other sects to like wahabism,salafi and what not..
Kendra M Adams You know what, Mohammad? You may be peaceful. . . and that's nice. . .but that doesn't make you a moderate Muslim, it makes you an extreme Muslim. According to doctrine, you are mandated to support jihad and bring about sharia law.
Mohammad Mahmoud No Kendra, those verses can never be abrogated because they talk in general, like "Let there be no compulsion in religion, the truth stands out clear" It's in the same chapter 2 which is inspired during the wars with the infidels, it can never be abrogated by verses who are clearly talkin about certain people and certain time!
Mohammad Mahmoud And I showed u that the abrogating verses that u mentioned are clearly stated about the infidels who are fighting muslims, and clearly ordering to comply to peace if they cease aggression, how can verses full of God not loving the aggressors be abrogated?
Kendra M Adams But they all share the same Koran,Tarun. . . the doctrine is the same no matter what.
Kendra M Adams Mohammad, your "prophet" ordered that all of Arabia should be only one religion right before he died. . . those were some of his final words. . . and when he died, his followers followed his orders! That was not and could not be abrogated.
Mohammad Mahmoud Jezya is a tax given by Christians and Jews to the state in response to protection of them as citizens, if they share in the army they don't pay Jezya and if muslim army retreats, Jezia is given back to them, like what happened to the people of Syria during the wars with the Romans, Muslims also pay a tax to the state named Zakah
Mohammad Mahmoud Don't talk with such generalization Kendra, again name some sources, don't talk about 1.5 billion muslims as if they were one group, they are pretty much different and variable in their understanding and practicing of Islam
Tarun Mehta did bible have verse on zakaah....
hahaha...what u have to pay tax for being a non- muslim ...? islamic equality is great..only minority of non-muslims may be in army remaining should pay taxes isnt it...?
Mohammad Mahmoud Teachings of Sufism are the teachings of Quran and Sunna, Read any book about Sufism, they don't have additional sources for their teachings.
Tarun Mehta freedom of minorities in islamic countries shows the version of islam they are practicing.
and wahabi do they read any other book..?
Mohammad Mahmoud If u don't want to pay the tax of Jezia, u can join the army, Tarun, I wish I could do this now, pay the Jezia I mean!
Tarun Mehta i have to be either in army or pay jizya...sad that islamic countries arent practicing what they are taught in islam..? jizya i mean!
Mohammad Mahmoud
For so long time, freedom of minorities in Muslim countries were much better than in most Western countries, specially towards the Jews.
Wahabbis differ in their understanding the Quran and Sunna, they are more radical, blame them not Islam
In most countries, my friend u have to join the army, It's a duty on u towards ur people and ur homeland
Kendra M Adams
Let's get down to essentials. After your prophet did the hijra to Medina, he became a violent warlord. Islam did not grow with prophet mohammad as a peaceful purveyor of his new religion. It grew because he conquered and killed people. W...hen people get the Koran from the bookstore and read it, they always say, "Gee, I read the Koran but I don't understand it". They don't understand it because the chapters have been put in order arbitrarily, mostly by size, with one or two exceptions.
The problem with an arbitrary ordering of chapters is that all chronology has been removed.
Our scholars have put the chronology back into the Koran so that it can be understood as it was written (or, to Muslims, "revealed"). there is no argument that the Koran was "revealed" to Mohammad during the course of his life. The only way to understand the Koran is to match it with the events of Mohammad's life which are found in the Sira and Hadith and make up the Sunna. When this is done, the message of the Koran becomes very clear. The ordering of Koranic surahs can only be understood insofar as they are linked with the Sira, or Mohammad's life.
In this way ONLY is abrogation understood. The earlier verses are abrogated by later verses, Allah said that this was so, and only in chronological order can the abrogated verses be identified and the later authoritative verses be seen.
Unfortunately for us all, the later verses are violent and hate-filled and intolerant.
Defenders of Islam who speak glowingly of their prophet and his warfare ALWAYS describe Mohammad's violence as defensive. However, the Koranic concept of offense and defense-- attack and defense, are contrary to Western concepts of the same terms. In Islam, when Islam is rejected by the unbelievers, the Umma considers this an attack upon Islam which justifies violent action upon the unbelievers who have rejected Islam. This is exactly what Mohammad did 1400 years ago, too.
When a defender says, "Mohammad's wars were defensive", the term "defensive" is actually upside down from a westerner's concept because no westerner would suggest that a rejection of an invitation is an attack. This essentially means that, with this concept of the rejection of Islam as an attack that, therefore ALL Islamic doctrinal violence is "defensive" in character. This allows the Islam apologist to talk about defensive warfare in a debate such as this.
The foundation of the confusion in the West about Islam is about the confusion of terminology. The following terms mean the OPPOSITE to Islam than they do to Westerners:
If Islam is peaceful, then the defender of Islam who claims that it's peaceful HAS TO EXPLAIN why is Islam about the implementation of Sharia law across the world and why is Sharia law so viciously intolerant and cruel? If Sharia law is the legal system of Islam, and if the purpose of Islam is to implement its legal system upon believers and non-believers alike, how can the argument be made that Islam is tolerant and peaceful? We see sharia law implemented daily in the Muslim world. It ain't peaceful.
Mohammad Mahmoud
The chapters of Quran are arranged according to size, but actually most verses that I mentioned here were inspired in Medina not Mecca, u can check ur own version of Quran u should find the sequence in the end.
If Mohammad turned violent, th...en there was no moment better than the moment he entered his old city Mecca, he didn't revenge, he even changed his horse with a mule on entering the city, out of modesty.
The chronology is actually put by our scholars, this is why u refuse the plain truth that verses which order us to deal just and good with the disbelievers were actually inspired in the late days of the prophet, not in Mecca.
Check the verses of fighting that u just mentioned, They are clear in excluding those who don't fight muslims, ordering muslims to comply to peace whenever it's possible. What more do u need after ordering to kill the infidels than asserting that God loves not the aggressors?
Tell me about the abrogated verses and the abrogating ones so I can show u how do u wrong Islam
Read this Kendra
Shari'a laws are implemented in Muslim countries? There are only 2 countries which apply harsh shari'a laws which are Saudi Arabia and Iran, this means u consider the rest countries moderate?
You haven't mentioned where Islam teaches us to implement of Sharia law across the world
Mohammad Mahmoud And u should tell us more how ur weasel scholars could reach the chronology that we removed :d
Tarun Mehta
"In most countries, my friend u have to join the army, It's a duty on u towards ur people and ur homeland..."
homeland is one which doesnt discriminate u on the basis of religion u practice and it is not the one who imposes special taxes to...wards on any people..
Kendra M Adams
Weasel? lol. . .I thought nonMuslims were apes and pigs. . . that's new to me. . .see? we all have something to learn.
As for chronology, it's clear if you know Mo's biographical details as found in the Sira. . . it's not rocket science, Mo...hammad. It just takes some time. But, there's no sense in reading the Koran out of order. It makes sense and is understandable when read in proper order, how Mohammad claimed it was "revealed" (lol).
I'm glad you want to learn.
Kendra M Adams Islamic law:
Tomorrow. :D
Puneet Madaan
did i hear UN ambulance reference without a mention about how they are used to transfer weapon and terrorist ...
>> Bahr el-Baqar incident
references of 6 days war ... WOW, even a idiot knows that it was a war provoked by Arabs & not from Israel.. Expecting that Israel know every part of Egyptian demography, & that too in post GPS time... when hardly any way was possible for a plane to distinguish between a regular building & school is Just a classic example of how Muslim carve their logic.
anyways did egypt officially provided a map telling location of schools before declared 6 days war ? NO .... beside its a Islamic practice to bomb civilians deliberately, Mumbai 26/11 incident was the best example about how the peoples of ummah think & use map technology. In our democratic world, we try to separate civilian & military zone to minimize the loss of civilian lives during war...
>>to understand 9:5 u have to look at 9:4 first "Except for those with whom u had a
if i am right mohammed, the koran is not chronologic text, rather the suras are unordered text binded into a book(including a few later created as a replica because goat ate many of them during Mo's death), and Muslim clerigy tells to read them in the way they were spewed out of mohammed's mouth, & not the way they are in book.
anyways Every religion claim that if one do not follow its path, then he/she will suffer in hell in After life... but in islam, the follower make life of others a hell by sticking with the sick ideology of 6th century war-lord.... who wanted everyone to surrender to him or die (oh & later formatting & introduced text pushed by later caliphs )....
P.S. regarding sufism, then islam is no orthodoxy, its orthopraxy .... the sect are organized not on basis of interpretation, rather on level of deviation the sect has moved away/towards the action of Mohammed. the main driving source of Islamic militancy is not based on interpretation, rather it comes from the people that tune themselves to mohammed...
Bahai's & Ahmedis are not considered Muslims anymore in many countries because they reached a point from where the blood-thurstiness demanded by mohammed in action can not be fulfilled...
Remember i haven't seen any proclamation that throws salafis, wahabis, talibanis, deobandis out of islam, but we do observe the bahais, ahmedis designated officially as kuffars (even in moderates of Islamic nation including pakistan, Malaysia etc etc)...
Mohammad Mahmoud
Kendra: These 3 lashes for selling rice doesn't come from Quran nor Mohammad's teachings, so don't blame Islam for it. You should read about the dark side of Christian history better, When the church reigned, so that you know how much atrocities were made in the name of The Christ (pbuh), and avoid falling in such fallacies.
I told Kendra before, even those violent verses are clear to be about fighting transgressors only, No one has the right to call any other who says I'm a muslim "a kafir' these are our teachings
The goat who ate the verse Hadith is only a silly attempt to bring this Toratic stoning punishment to Islam, It's against Quranic teachings, and the Hadith isn't authentic or even known to most muslims, u'll find it mainly used to attack Al-Bukhari's book, because such Hadith would be offensive for the public, they don't even know that verse of stoning.
Bahr El Baqar incident wasn't during the 6 days war, it was one of a series of Israeli attacks against Egyptian civilian targets to push Naser to end the war of attrition against Israeli occupying forces in Sinai, so save ur nonsense to urself, If u want to deny Israeli atrocities against civilians, including those recognized by the U.N, like Goldstone's Gaza report, then I don't see much difference between you and the Wahabbis",7340,L-3885954,00.html
(FaceBook Diaries)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
قالولي بتحب مصر فقلت مش عارف
أصل المحبة بسيطة ومصر تركيبة
ومصر حلوة ومُرَّة وشِرْحة وكئيبة
دا نا اختصر منصب الشمس وأقول شمعة
ولا اختصر مصر وانده مصر يا حبيبة
They asked me "Do you love Egypt?", "I don't know!" I replied.
Love is simple and Egypt is complicated
Egypt is sweet and bitter, joyful and grouchy
I would rather sum up the sun and call it "A candle"
but never sum up Egypt and call it "A beloved one"
Tameem Barghouti
The whole poem here
A poem of a half Egyptian poet shows how much he loves Egypt...and adores every detail in her!
أصل المحبة بسيطة ومصر تركيبة
ومصر حلوة ومُرَّة وشِرْحة وكئيبة
دا نا اختصر منصب الشمس وأقول شمعة
ولا اختصر مصر وانده مصر يا حبيبة
They asked me "Do you love Egypt?", "I don't know!" I replied.
Love is simple and Egypt is complicated
Egypt is sweet and bitter, joyful and grouchy
I would rather sum up the sun and call it "A candle"
but never sum up Egypt and call it "A beloved one"
Tameem Barghouti
The whole poem here
A poem of a half Egyptian poet shows how much he loves Egypt...and adores every detail in her!
Monday, September 27, 2010
On Morals and Modesty
Some sources of the prophet's sayings are mentioned in older posts in Arabic.
"You will not enter paradise until you believe,
and you will not believe until you love one another."
“Modesty and faith are twins. One who gives up one has to lose the other too.”
"Every faith has an innate character. The character of Islam is modesty."
"God has revealed to me that you have to be humble, so that no one boasts over another and no one oppresses another."
The prophet was traveling with his friends once, when he ordered for a cow to be ready for their meal, a man said "I will skin it" and another said "I will cook it", The prophet said "And I will gather the firewood". His companions said "We can get the wood for you, O prophet of God"
The prophet replied "I know that you can gather for me, but I wouldn't like to put myself in a degree higher than you, Allah verily hates to see someone who discriminates himself above his companions"
"He wouldn't enter paradise, he who has an atom weight of arrogance in his heart"
“There is a reward for kindness to every living thing.”
“Cleanliness is part of faith…”
"There's nothing heavier in one's scale on the day of judgement than the good morals"
"The best of the believers is their best in morals"
"The ones that I love the most, and the closest to me in the day of judgement are your best in morals"
Imam Ali was sitting with his son Mohammad, when Mohammad asked him " O father, who was the best of muslims after the prophet?" "Abu Bakr" Ali replied. "Then Who?" Mohammad asked. "Then Omar" Ali said. Mohammad says "I thought he would say Othman if I repeated, so I asked: Then You?
Imam Ali replied "O son, I'm just a man among the muslim men"
‘Religion is sincerity’
“Don’t bear aversion against one another and don’t be jealous of one another and be servants of Allah.”
“There are three signs of a hypocrite: when he speaks he speaks lies, when he makes a promise he breaks it, and when he is trusted he betrays his trust.”
“He who eats his fill while his neighbor goes without food is not a true believer.“
“Shall I not inform you of a better act than fasting, alms and prayers? Making peace between one another: Enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots.”
The prophet said to Abdullah Ibn Abbas:
O young man! Let me teach you a few principles: Observe the rights of God so that God will protect you. Observe His rights in order to find Him always with you. When you ask something, ask it from God. When you seek help, seek it from God. Know that if all people gathered together to benefit you, they would not be able to do so other than by that which God already preordained for you. If, by contrast, they came together to do you harm, they would not be able to do so other than by that which God already preordained against you. The Pen of Destiny was lifted and everything was already ordained
"Seven (groups) of people: God will shade them under His shade on the Day when there will be no shade except His: the just ruler; the young man who has grown up in worship of God; the man greatly attached to mosques; two persons who love each other for God's sake, and meet and then leave each other because of this love; the man who refuses the invitation of a beautiful woman of rank, saying, ‘I fear God’; the man who spends in the way of God so secretly that when he gives in charity to the one on his left, the one on the right does not see it; and the man whose eyes fill with tears when he mentions God in seclusion."
“God has no mercy on one who has no mercy for others.”
“God is most compassionate to those of His servants who are themselves compassionate.”
“The search of knowledge is an obligation laid on every Muslim.”
“He who goes out in search of knowledge is in God’s path till he returns.”
For more Hadiths in English
"You will not enter paradise until you believe,
and you will not believe until you love one another."
“Modesty and faith are twins. One who gives up one has to lose the other too.”
"Every faith has an innate character. The character of Islam is modesty."
"God has revealed to me that you have to be humble, so that no one boasts over another and no one oppresses another."
The prophet was traveling with his friends once, when he ordered for a cow to be ready for their meal, a man said "I will skin it" and another said "I will cook it", The prophet said "And I will gather the firewood". His companions said "We can get the wood for you, O prophet of God"
The prophet replied "I know that you can gather for me, but I wouldn't like to put myself in a degree higher than you, Allah verily hates to see someone who discriminates himself above his companions"
"He wouldn't enter paradise, he who has an atom weight of arrogance in his heart"
“There is a reward for kindness to every living thing.”
“Cleanliness is part of faith…”
"There's nothing heavier in one's scale on the day of judgement than the good morals"
"The best of the believers is their best in morals"
"The ones that I love the most, and the closest to me in the day of judgement are your best in morals"
Imam Ali was sitting with his son Mohammad, when Mohammad asked him " O father, who was the best of muslims after the prophet?" "Abu Bakr" Ali replied. "Then Who?" Mohammad asked. "Then Omar" Ali said. Mohammad says "I thought he would say Othman if I repeated, so I asked: Then You?
Imam Ali replied "O son, I'm just a man among the muslim men"
‘Religion is sincerity’
“Don’t bear aversion against one another and don’t be jealous of one another and be servants of Allah.”
“There are three signs of a hypocrite: when he speaks he speaks lies, when he makes a promise he breaks it, and when he is trusted he betrays his trust.”
“He who eats his fill while his neighbor goes without food is not a true believer.“
“Shall I not inform you of a better act than fasting, alms and prayers? Making peace between one another: Enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots.”
The prophet said to Abdullah Ibn Abbas:
O young man! Let me teach you a few principles: Observe the rights of God so that God will protect you. Observe His rights in order to find Him always with you. When you ask something, ask it from God. When you seek help, seek it from God. Know that if all people gathered together to benefit you, they would not be able to do so other than by that which God already preordained for you. If, by contrast, they came together to do you harm, they would not be able to do so other than by that which God already preordained against you. The Pen of Destiny was lifted and everything was already ordained
"Seven (groups) of people: God will shade them under His shade on the Day when there will be no shade except His: the just ruler; the young man who has grown up in worship of God; the man greatly attached to mosques; two persons who love each other for God's sake, and meet and then leave each other because of this love; the man who refuses the invitation of a beautiful woman of rank, saying, ‘I fear God’; the man who spends in the way of God so secretly that when he gives in charity to the one on his left, the one on the right does not see it; and the man whose eyes fill with tears when he mentions God in seclusion."
“God has no mercy on one who has no mercy for others.”
“God is most compassionate to those of His servants who are themselves compassionate.”
“The search of knowledge is an obligation laid on every Muslim.”
“He who goes out in search of knowledge is in God’s path till he returns.”
For more Hadiths in English
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Snowy Road
(This is the English translation of the first post in this blog, and the first short story I have ever written:) )
Alone walking down the road ….surrounded by the snow from both sides, filled with both fear and courage…..fear from the unknown and my courage as I know that there is no way to go back …Long way it is.. but…what else can I do ??
Dragged by my heavy feet, and feeling that things definitely won’t be that bad, many sons of my village have taken this way before me….It’s true that I haven’t heard from them, but still it’s enough that they didn't die here.
The taste of the white snow in my mouth, my eyes can’t see anything but the snow along the horizons…as if there is no color but the white…patience, the way is getting close to its end…..I remember the past few hours, my memory goes back to a day before
Sitting watching my hair falling in front of me…..I have never experienced
anything like this before so forgive my fear, my few years in life didn’t give me many experiences as you know. I walk out of the barber’s and the sight of the sharp
razor is still sparkling in front of my eyes, and I see her………..over there next to the
cypress tree as she always did ..feeling shy I get closer to her -I wonder what does
she think of my bald head?- I can see now the tears sparkling in her eyes “Won’t I
see you after today?” …
My mother says there is no way back, only few seconds and my tears will fall down
from my eyes…..I don’t want to cry. maybe I won’t see her after today “I can’t forget
you “.
I run towards the house before I surrender to my weakness, I remember how many
nights we spent throwing snowballs in front of her house with our friends…how can I
forget her…or her tearful eyes, like the waves of the sea.
I walk through the door with trembling steps. I see my mother preparing supper “you
have to sleep early tonight” .but I want to spend more time with my little siblings …..I
will miss you all so much ….but my tongue refuses to move ….If I said a word. all my
hidden tears would flow down from my eyes……I put my head on the pillow and don’t feel anything after that. I drown in a deep sleep, to wake up on my mother’s tremors with the lights of the newly born morning …..”It’s time to go away”. I won’t resist my tears anymore ……she takes me into her warm hug……she knows that this is the last time “I will go to get some milk by myself, mom” she knows I want to go to say goodbye to my pet….I have always taken care of him even before he could stand on his legs I will set him free before I go ….Now go wherever you want to go ,I take what my mother have prepared for me in a small bag.. Not to disturb my smaller body during movement.
Starting the journey and last night’s memories don’t leave me….I will never see her
again . I take a look over her small window as I walk through her street…maybe now you are in a world of your dreams, maybe I'm with you in it, throwing some snowballs with you….then on my long way from the village to the mountain, I have always planned to explore you with my friends, mountain… but it never came up to my mind that I will walk through your meanders alone one day…
I wake up from my thoughts to see the yellow copper door…..So high you are, door
that I can barely see the drawings on your upper side…..I knock on the door with my
small fingers, it gets opened for me by a monk who's just as bald headed as me,
very eminent are his bones…..maybe he opened the same door to all my fellows who
went before me ….I will see them today for sure ….I look back to have a final look on
the outer world….wait!…..this Lama over there….His face is really familiar……how did he walk behind me all this way from home and I didn’t notice?.. He’s hitting the rock by his hoofs to scatter the ice around it ….this is his farewell to me “Farewell Nan Chou……send my farewells to my mother, and to her” .
Alone walking down the road ….surrounded by the snow from both sides, filled with both fear and courage…..fear from the unknown and my courage as I know that there is no way to go back …Long way it is.. but…what else can I do ??
Dragged by my heavy feet, and feeling that things definitely won’t be that bad, many sons of my village have taken this way before me….It’s true that I haven’t heard from them, but still it’s enough that they didn't die here.
The taste of the white snow in my mouth, my eyes can’t see anything but the snow along the horizons…as if there is no color but the white…patience, the way is getting close to its end…..I remember the past few hours, my memory goes back to a day before
Sitting watching my hair falling in front of me…..I have never experienced
anything like this before so forgive my fear, my few years in life didn’t give me many experiences as you know. I walk out of the barber’s and the sight of the sharp
razor is still sparkling in front of my eyes, and I see her………..over there next to the
cypress tree as she always did ..feeling shy I get closer to her -I wonder what does
she think of my bald head?- I can see now the tears sparkling in her eyes “Won’t I
see you after today?” …
My mother says there is no way back, only few seconds and my tears will fall down
from my eyes…..I don’t want to cry. maybe I won’t see her after today “I can’t forget
you “.
I run towards the house before I surrender to my weakness, I remember how many
nights we spent throwing snowballs in front of her house with our friends…how can I
forget her…or her tearful eyes, like the waves of the sea.
I walk through the door with trembling steps. I see my mother preparing supper “you
have to sleep early tonight” .but I want to spend more time with my little siblings …..I
will miss you all so much ….but my tongue refuses to move ….If I said a word. all my
hidden tears would flow down from my eyes……I put my head on the pillow and don’t feel anything after that. I drown in a deep sleep, to wake up on my mother’s tremors with the lights of the newly born morning …..”It’s time to go away”. I won’t resist my tears anymore ……she takes me into her warm hug……she knows that this is the last time “I will go to get some milk by myself, mom” she knows I want to go to say goodbye to my pet….I have always taken care of him even before he could stand on his legs I will set him free before I go ….Now go wherever you want to go ,I take what my mother have prepared for me in a small bag.. Not to disturb my smaller body during movement.
Starting the journey and last night’s memories don’t leave me….I will never see her
again . I take a look over her small window as I walk through her street…maybe now you are in a world of your dreams, maybe I'm with you in it, throwing some snowballs with you….then on my long way from the village to the mountain, I have always planned to explore you with my friends, mountain… but it never came up to my mind that I will walk through your meanders alone one day…
I wake up from my thoughts to see the yellow copper door…..So high you are, door
that I can barely see the drawings on your upper side…..I knock on the door with my
small fingers, it gets opened for me by a monk who's just as bald headed as me,
very eminent are his bones…..maybe he opened the same door to all my fellows who
went before me ….I will see them today for sure ….I look back to have a final look on
the outer world….wait!…..this Lama over there….His face is really familiar……how did he walk behind me all this way from home and I didn’t notice?.. He’s hitting the rock by his hoofs to scatter the ice around it ….this is his farewell to me “Farewell Nan Chou……send my farewells to my mother, and to her” .
Saturday, September 18, 2010
My Old School
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Turn in repentance
"If you don't sin, Allah (SWT) will replace you with people who sin, so that they turn to him in repentance, And He forgives them" the prophet said.
Let's all turn in repentance in this holy month.
Let's all turn in repentance in this holy month.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Here I come Alex
الإسكندرية أخيرا!
الإسكندرية قطر الندى، نفثة السحابة البيضاء، مهبط الشعاع المغسول بماء السماء، وقلب الذكريات المبللة بالشهد والدموع.
ها أنا راجع إليك أخيرا يا إسكندرية!
Alexandria at last. Alexandria the Lady of the Dew, Bloom of white nimbus, Bosom of radiance, wet with sky water. Core of nostalgia steeped in honey and tears.
Here I come back to you at last, Alex!
Miramar, Najeeb Mahfouz
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
This post is specially for my friend Rick :)
I : ana
You (Male) : anta
You (Female) : anti
You (plural) : antom
He : ho-wa
She : heya
They : homm
We : naħno (ħ as in Moħammad and Aħmad)
How : kayf
What : ma, matħaa (th of they)
When : mata
Where : ayn
Why : lema, lematħa
How much, How many : kamm
And : wa
Or : aww
In : fi
To : ela
On : 'ala
The : al or el
Yes : na'am (as in Sa'eed)
No : la
I drink : ashrab
He drinks : yashrab
She drinks, You (Male) drink : tashrab (heya tashrab; anta tashrab)
You (Fem.) drink : anti tashrabeen
We drink : nashrab
They drink : yashraboun
I eat : aakol
He plays : yal'ab
You (Male) walk : tamshi
Don't walk : la tamshi
I didn't run : lamm ajri
He didn't run : lamm yajri
Colour : lawn
White (masc.) : abyadh (dh like in dump)
White (Fem.) : baydha
Red (masc.) : aħmar
Red (Fem.) : ħamra
Yellow (masc.) : asfar
Hello : marħaba, ahlann, ya hala
Name : ism
What's your name ? : ma ismak ?
How are you ? : kayf ħaalok (your state) ?
You (girl) are pretty : anti jameela
You (man) are handsome : anta waseem (also jameel)
Sea : baħr
River : nahr
Love : ħobb, 'ishQ
Man : rajol
Men : rejaal
Woman : imra-a
Girl : bent
Boy : walad
Head : ra-s
Face : wajh
Hand : yadd
Leg : rejl
Dog : kalb
Cat : Qitta
Ball : kora
1 waħed
2 ethnain
3 thalaatha
4 arba'a
These are all in Standard Arabic, If you want to know some of Tunisian dialect, this book maybe of some help (with more books on Arabic dialects in the folder)
And here's my response to your facebook message :
I don't think it's a good idea to get to Tunis these days, otherwise u'll return to Alaska as a roasted big duck, dear Rick :d
here are the words anyhow, for any future adventures
left:shemaal, right:yemeen
up: fooq, down:taħt
North: shamaal
West : Gharb
South : janoob
East : Sharq
kamm yetkallef : how much does it cost
Boat : markeb
bus : autobees, ħafela
airport : mataar
I'll prepare a post for u soon to be more helpful
I hope you get back to Alaska, hearty and hale :)
I : ana
You (Male) : anta
You (Female) : anti
You (plural) : antom
He : ho-wa
She : heya
They : homm
We : naħno (ħ as in Moħammad and Aħmad)
How : kayf
What : ma, matħaa (th of they)
When : mata
Where : ayn
Why : lema, lematħa
How much, How many : kamm
And : wa
Or : aww
In : fi
To : ela
On : 'ala
The : al or el
Yes : na'am (as in Sa'eed)
No : la
I drink : ashrab
He drinks : yashrab
She drinks, You (Male) drink : tashrab (heya tashrab; anta tashrab)
You (Fem.) drink : anti tashrabeen
We drink : nashrab
They drink : yashraboun
I eat : aakol
He plays : yal'ab
You (Male) walk : tamshi
Don't walk : la tamshi
I didn't run : lamm ajri
He didn't run : lamm yajri
Colour : lawn
White (masc.) : abyadh (dh like in dump)
White (Fem.) : baydha
Red (masc.) : aħmar
Red (Fem.) : ħamra
Yellow (masc.) : asfar
Hello : marħaba, ahlann, ya hala
Name : ism
What's your name ? : ma ismak ?
How are you ? : kayf ħaalok (your state) ?
You (girl) are pretty : anti jameela
You (man) are handsome : anta waseem (also jameel)
Sea : baħr
River : nahr
Love : ħobb, 'ishQ
Man : rajol
Men : rejaal
Woman : imra-a
Girl : bent
Boy : walad
Head : ra-s
Face : wajh
Hand : yadd
Leg : rejl
Dog : kalb
Cat : Qitta
Ball : kora
1 waħed
2 ethnain
3 thalaatha
4 arba'a
These are all in Standard Arabic, If you want to know some of Tunisian dialect, this book maybe of some help (with more books on Arabic dialects in the folder)
And here's my response to your facebook message :
I don't think it's a good idea to get to Tunis these days, otherwise u'll return to Alaska as a roasted big duck, dear Rick :d
here are the words anyhow, for any future adventures
left:shemaal, right:yemeen
up: fooq, down:taħt
North: shamaal
West : Gharb
South : janoob
East : Sharq
kamm yetkallef : how much does it cost
Boat : markeb
bus : autobees, ħafela
airport : mataar
I'll prepare a post for u soon to be more helpful
I hope you get back to Alaska, hearty and hale :)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
تنقية الأحاديث
ليست هذه دعوة حديثة ناشئة في العصر الحديث عندما دعا وزير الأوقاف المصري في الستينيات عبد المنعم النمر لتنقية كتب التفسير من الإسرائيليات، لكنها دعوة قديمة قدم تدوين الحديث نفسه، فالإمام البخاري كان أول من نقى الأحاديث حيث ينسب إليه أنه انتقى أحاديث صحيحه (سبعة آلاف حديث) من بين ستمائة ألف حديث، ليس هذا فقط بل أنه يضيف "وما تركت من الصحيح أكثر" وأنه لما ألف كتاب الصحيح عرضه على أحمد بن حنبل ويحيى بن معين وعلي بن المديني وغيرهم فاستحسنوه، وشهدوا له بالصحة إلا في أربعة أحاديث، أي أنهم أول من نقى صحيح البخاري، ليأتي بعدهم الإمام مسلم تلميذ البخاري النجيب ويشدد من شروط قبول الحديث فيرفض أن يضمن في كتابه الصحيح كثيرا من أحاديث صحيح البخاري، مثل جملة الأحاديث التي رواها عكرمة مولى ابن عباس، ومن بينها حديث قتل المرتد ذائع الصيت، لكن يبقى أول نقد حقيقي لأحاديث وردت في صحيح البخاري تلك التي جاءت من الحافظ الدارقطني ونقده لمائتي حديث من أحاديث البخاري ركز فيها على العلل أكثر من ضعف الرواة، أي أن هذا العلامة الكبير هو أول من عمد إلى تحكيم العقل في متن الحديث.
وهكذا من الإمام البخاري وتلميذه مسلم مرورا بأحمد بن حنبل والحافظ الدارقطني وابن حزم، وصولا إلى الإمام محمد الغزالي ووزير الأوقاف الأسبق، لم يحدث أي عمل جدي لغربلة الأحاديث وطرح ما يخالف القرآن منها جانبا ولم يكن هناك مؤلفات حقيقية تصلح لتكون نواة لهذا المشروع الضخم، اللهم سوى كتاب حول الإسرائيليات في كتب التفاسير القرآنية والأحاديث ألفه محمد أبو شهبة في أوائل السبعينيات بتكليف من الإمام الأكبر عبدالحليم محمود، ومن يومها ونحن لا نرى سوى التصريحات، فنقرأ في الصحف أن المجلس الأعلى للشئون الإسلامية في الأزهر وضع خطة لتنقية كتب تفاسير القرآن الكريم من الإسرائيليات، وما تتضمنه من خرافات وأباطيل وأخبار لا أصل لها، وأنهم بدأوا بالفعل بتفسير النسفي ووزعوا نسخا منه على الأعضاء، ويؤكد الدكتور مصطفى الشكعة [عضو مجمع البحوث الإسلامية] في حوار مع الدستور في سياق الحديث عن دور المجمع في تنقية الأحاديث أنهم يقومون بعملهم بالفعل وأنهم يبحثون في الكتب التي شاع عنها أن بها أحاديث مغلوطة كثيرة وسينتهون بالبخاري ومسلم، ويؤكد لنا فضيلة المفتي علي جمعة في حديثه مع محمود سعد في سياق رده على سؤال حول تنقية الأحاديث في برنامج اليوم السابع أنهم أحدثوا آلية للتصحيح والتضعيف بالفعل (هذا الكلام مر عليه الآن ثلاث سنوات) ثم لا شيء، نعود من حيث بدأنا، لكن تخاذل الأزهر هذا عن القيام بدور كان منوطا به منذ نصف قرن أعطى الفرصة للقرآنيين وغيرهم ممن ينكرون السنة كلها أن يكتسبوا أرضية أوسع ويعلو صوتهم أكثر وأكثر.
أعلم أن البعض ممن يرون في أنفسهم حمية على الدين يرفضون هذا المشروع ويتحججون أن كتب الصحاح قد تلقتها عامة المسلمين بالقبول عبر العصور، وهذا فيه غلو كبير، صحيح أن كتاب البخاري تلقى قبولا عاما من أهل السنة عبر التاريخ لكن عندما ذاعت وانتشرت أحاديث مثل رضاع الكبير أو حديث الغرانيق في رواية آيات شيطانية الشهيرة (الذي يروي أن الشيطان ألقى على لسان النبي مدحا لأوثان العرب، خر بعدها النبي والكفار سجدا في لحظة درامية أمام الأصنام قبل أن ينسخ الله كلام الشيطان ويظهر الحق) حصل أيضا إجماع بين عامة المسلمين وعلمائهم على رفض هذه القصة السينمائية سندا ومتنا، ثم أن عامة المسلمين أصلا لا يمتلكون نسخا من كتب الصحاح بل أن معظمهم يلاقون ربهم دون أن يقرأوا كتابا واحدا من هذه الكتب، فكيف نقبل منهم إجماعا على ما ليس لهم به علم؟ هل يمكن أن يرضى عامة المسلمين عن أحاديث مثل التي ينقلها فضيلة الشيخ محمد سعيد حوى في مقاله وجوب تنقية كتب السنة هذا؟
هناك العديد من الكتب التي ألفها علماء إخواننا الشيعة عبر القرون الماضية في نقد كتب الصحاح السنية، وبالرغم من أنها وضعت أساسا كمحاولة لتسجيل الأهداف في مرمانا السني الرحب إلا أن معظمها يمتاز بموضوعية ودرجة عالية من الأمانة لا يتوافر في معظم المؤلفات غير الإسلامية التي تفوح منها - إلا ما ندر - رائحة التطرف والمغالاة في الكراهية، هذه الكتب الشيعية تساعد كثيرا في فهم الجانب المذهبي المتعلق بوضع الأحاديث، سواء في فضائل الصحابة أو مثالبهم، خاصة مجموعة الصحابة الذين يتطرف الشيعة في معاداتهم مثل السيدة عائشة وعمر بن الخطاب، خذوا مثلا ما أخرجه البخاري في باب الحوض الجزء الرابع من صحيحه عن أبي هريرة أن النبي قال : يرد علي الحوض رجال من أصحابي فيحلاءون عنه فأقول : يا رب أصحابي ، فيقول : إنك لا علم لك بما أحدثوا بعدك ، إنهم ارتدوا على أدبارهم القهقرى، وغير هذا كثير من مزاعم الشيعة التي تسربت رويدا إلى كتب السنة بفضل القمع السياسي لهم واضطرارهم إلى التقية وعدم المجاهرة بمذهبهم.
وهكذا من الإمام البخاري وتلميذه مسلم مرورا بأحمد بن حنبل والحافظ الدارقطني وابن حزم، وصولا إلى الإمام محمد الغزالي ووزير الأوقاف الأسبق، لم يحدث أي عمل جدي لغربلة الأحاديث وطرح ما يخالف القرآن منها جانبا ولم يكن هناك مؤلفات حقيقية تصلح لتكون نواة لهذا المشروع الضخم، اللهم سوى كتاب حول الإسرائيليات في كتب التفاسير القرآنية والأحاديث ألفه محمد أبو شهبة في أوائل السبعينيات بتكليف من الإمام الأكبر عبدالحليم محمود، ومن يومها ونحن لا نرى سوى التصريحات، فنقرأ في الصحف أن المجلس الأعلى للشئون الإسلامية في الأزهر وضع خطة لتنقية كتب تفاسير القرآن الكريم من الإسرائيليات، وما تتضمنه من خرافات وأباطيل وأخبار لا أصل لها، وأنهم بدأوا بالفعل بتفسير النسفي ووزعوا نسخا منه على الأعضاء، ويؤكد الدكتور مصطفى الشكعة [عضو مجمع البحوث الإسلامية] في حوار مع الدستور في سياق الحديث عن دور المجمع في تنقية الأحاديث أنهم يقومون بعملهم بالفعل وأنهم يبحثون في الكتب التي شاع عنها أن بها أحاديث مغلوطة كثيرة وسينتهون بالبخاري ومسلم، ويؤكد لنا فضيلة المفتي علي جمعة في حديثه مع محمود سعد في سياق رده على سؤال حول تنقية الأحاديث في برنامج اليوم السابع أنهم أحدثوا آلية للتصحيح والتضعيف بالفعل (هذا الكلام مر عليه الآن ثلاث سنوات) ثم لا شيء، نعود من حيث بدأنا، لكن تخاذل الأزهر هذا عن القيام بدور كان منوطا به منذ نصف قرن أعطى الفرصة للقرآنيين وغيرهم ممن ينكرون السنة كلها أن يكتسبوا أرضية أوسع ويعلو صوتهم أكثر وأكثر.
أعلم أن البعض ممن يرون في أنفسهم حمية على الدين يرفضون هذا المشروع ويتحججون أن كتب الصحاح قد تلقتها عامة المسلمين بالقبول عبر العصور، وهذا فيه غلو كبير، صحيح أن كتاب البخاري تلقى قبولا عاما من أهل السنة عبر التاريخ لكن عندما ذاعت وانتشرت أحاديث مثل رضاع الكبير أو حديث الغرانيق في رواية آيات شيطانية الشهيرة (الذي يروي أن الشيطان ألقى على لسان النبي مدحا لأوثان العرب، خر بعدها النبي والكفار سجدا في لحظة درامية أمام الأصنام قبل أن ينسخ الله كلام الشيطان ويظهر الحق) حصل أيضا إجماع بين عامة المسلمين وعلمائهم على رفض هذه القصة السينمائية سندا ومتنا، ثم أن عامة المسلمين أصلا لا يمتلكون نسخا من كتب الصحاح بل أن معظمهم يلاقون ربهم دون أن يقرأوا كتابا واحدا من هذه الكتب، فكيف نقبل منهم إجماعا على ما ليس لهم به علم؟ هل يمكن أن يرضى عامة المسلمين عن أحاديث مثل التي ينقلها فضيلة الشيخ محمد سعيد حوى في مقاله وجوب تنقية كتب السنة هذا؟
هناك العديد من الكتب التي ألفها علماء إخواننا الشيعة عبر القرون الماضية في نقد كتب الصحاح السنية، وبالرغم من أنها وضعت أساسا كمحاولة لتسجيل الأهداف في مرمانا السني الرحب إلا أن معظمها يمتاز بموضوعية ودرجة عالية من الأمانة لا يتوافر في معظم المؤلفات غير الإسلامية التي تفوح منها - إلا ما ندر - رائحة التطرف والمغالاة في الكراهية، هذه الكتب الشيعية تساعد كثيرا في فهم الجانب المذهبي المتعلق بوضع الأحاديث، سواء في فضائل الصحابة أو مثالبهم، خاصة مجموعة الصحابة الذين يتطرف الشيعة في معاداتهم مثل السيدة عائشة وعمر بن الخطاب، خذوا مثلا ما أخرجه البخاري في باب الحوض الجزء الرابع من صحيحه عن أبي هريرة أن النبي قال : يرد علي الحوض رجال من أصحابي فيحلاءون عنه فأقول : يا رب أصحابي ، فيقول : إنك لا علم لك بما أحدثوا بعدك ، إنهم ارتدوا على أدبارهم القهقرى، وغير هذا كثير من مزاعم الشيعة التي تسربت رويدا إلى كتب السنة بفضل القمع السياسي لهم واضطرارهم إلى التقية وعدم المجاهرة بمذهبهم.
من هذه الكتب الشيعية "القول الصراح في البخاري وصحيحه الجامع" لشيخ الشريعة الميرزا الأصبهاني المولود عام 1266 هـ، وأضواء على الصحيحين للشيخ محمد صادق النجمي، ونظرة عابرة إلى الصحاح الستة
للمفارقة ستجدون دفاعا حسنا عن النبي مما نسبه إليه أسلافهم (وأسلافنا) من نقائص تتعارض مع القرآن الكريم، هنا لا ينبغي لنا أن نأخذ الأمر بحساسية مذهبية مقيتة، فلنفتح آذاننا وقلوبنا ونتعلم.Saturday, May 15, 2010
قم ....... ترى
قداش قلبي معذب وقداش مازال يقاسي
واللي عملته بيدي يا عباد الله مكتوب في جبين راسي
قم ترى دراهم اللوز تندفق عن كل جهة
واللي عملته بيدي يا عباد الله مكتوب في جبين راسي
قم ترى دراهم اللوز تندفق عن كل جهة
Monday, April 19, 2010
مكتوب أن تتخيل قصة لحياتك !
كلنا محتاجون للحب. الحب جزء من الطبيعة البشرية مثل الأكل والشرب والنوم. وأحيانا , قد تجد نفسك وحيدا تماما تتأمل منظر الغروب الجميل وتفكر... هذا الجمال لا قيمة له لأن أحدا لا يشاركنى إياه. فى أوقات كتلك يجب أن تسأل: كم مرة كان مطلوبا منك أن تحب و هربت؟
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Where's God ?
Since the widespread of the radical Wahhabi vision of Islam with the rise of the modern Saudi state, this question became of great importance. While the vast majority of Sunni muslims were Ash'aris in matters of faith (Believing that God is not bounded by place) this new order which emerged from the deserts of Najd espoused the opinion of few Hanbali scholars that God is a Material Being. Hence appeared a new dilemma, Where is God? He must be in the skies! But because God says in Quran that "His Throne encompasses all of the heavens and the Earths" 2:255, their geniality led them to suggest that He's settled on a throne above the skies! Here I pose some questions defending our Ash'ari view (which is also the view of almost all muslim sects and not only Ash'ari Sunnis):
1. God created the skies and the earths and all between them in Six Days and no fatigue touched him 50:38 and He said that there will be a day when He will roll up the heavens like a scroll of books is rolled up. "As We initiated the first creation, so shall We return it. it's a promise of Ours that We'll do this." 21:104 and since God is The Everlasting (2:255) how can you relate Him to an accidental object? and where was He before He created the skies in the first place?!
2. God is the master of time, He uses verbs in past tense in Quran to describe events that still will take place for us. If God is not bounded to time, how can He (The Almighty) be bounded to place? (even if you don't submit that time is the 4th dimension)
3. How can God be material when "No vision can grasp Him" (6 :103) ? Can He be bounded to a place while He exceeds the speed of our vision?
4. God affirms many times in Quran that He's far beyond our imagination and that there's nothing whatever like unto him, doesn't that contradict Him being material?
5. When God says in the Chapter of Light that "He's the light of heavens and earth" and when he says that "He's Allah in heavens and earth" and "He's with you wherever you are", you consider this metaphors and figural speech , how can you blame those who consider that "God's hand is over their hand" and "Wherever you turn, there is the face of God" are also metaphors and figural speech, even though this is not only closer to the language of Arabs but also to to common sense !
You, Wahhabis embrace the beliefs of Jews and Christians concerning Allah, and yet we don't even dare to say that you have moved outside the tenets of Islam, because we know that God is above all comprehension, can't you in return save our blood and let God only be the judge between us and you in the day of judgment?
أين الله ؟
منذ انتشار الرؤية الأصولية الوهابية للإسلام مع صعود الدولة السعودية الحديثة أصبح لهذا السؤال حظ عظيم من الأهمية، فبينما كان السواد الأعظم من أهل السنة أشاعرة في مسائل العقيدة (يؤمنون أن الله لا يحده مكان) اعتنقت هذه الفرقة الجديدة التي بزغت من صحراء نجد رأي بعض علماء الحنابلة من المجسمة هناك، وهنا ظهرت مشكلة جديدة، أين الله؟ لابد أنه في السماء! لكن لأن الله يقول في آية الكرسي أن عرشه وسع السموات والأرض، هداهم تفكيرهم إلى أن الله مستو على عرشه فوق السماوات! هذه بعض الأسئلة التي أطرحها دفاعا عن الرأي الأشعري (وهي وجهة نظر معظم الفرق التي تنتسب للإسلام وليس الأشاعرة السنة فقط)
1. الله خلق السماوات والأرض في ستة أيام ولم يمسه تعب ولا إرهاق "ق38" وقال أيضا أنه سيطوي السماء كطي السجل في يوم موعود "الأنبياء104" وبما أن الله أزلي دائم كيف ننسبه لحدث عارض هو خالقه؟ وأين كان الله قبل خلق المكان؟
2. الله هو رب الزمان والقرآن ملي بأفعال في صيغة الماضي تصف أحداث ما زالت لم تحدث بالنسبة لنا، فإذا كان الله لا يحده الزمن، كيف يكون محدودا بالمكان، حتى لو لم نأخذ في اعتبارنا أن الزمن هو البعد الرابع؟.
3. كيف يكون الله مجسما وهو الذي لا تدركه الأبصار "الأنعام103" هل يمكن أن يحده مكان وهو فوق سرعة البصر، لا تدركه أبصارنا؟
4. الله يؤكد في القرآن أن ليس كمثله شيء وأن أفهامنا تعجز عن الوصول إلى حقيقته، ألا يتعارض هذا مع كونه مجسما؟
5. عندما يقول الله في سورة النور أنه "نور السموات والأرض" وعندما يقول "هو الله في السموات والأرض" في الأنعام3 و "هو معكم أينما كنتم" الحديد4 تُؤلون الكلام وتعتبرونه مجازا، فكيف تلومون من يقول أن "يد الله فوق أيديهم" الفتح10 و "أينما تولوا فثم وجه الله" البقرة 115 أيضا كلاما مجازيا، رغم أن هذا ليس فقط أقرب للعقل بل كذلك أقرب للغة العرب ؟
هنا بعض الروابط عن الوهابية التي أقصدهاوهابية
1. God created the skies and the earths and all between them in Six Days and no fatigue touched him 50:38 and He said that there will be a day when He will roll up the heavens like a scroll of books is rolled up. "As We initiated the first creation, so shall We return it. it's a promise of Ours that We'll do this." 21:104 and since God is The Everlasting (2:255) how can you relate Him to an accidental object? and where was He before He created the skies in the first place?!
2. God is the master of time, He uses verbs in past tense in Quran to describe events that still will take place for us. If God is not bounded to time, how can He (The Almighty) be bounded to place? (even if you don't submit that time is the 4th dimension)
3. How can God be material when "No vision can grasp Him" (6 :103) ? Can He be bounded to a place while He exceeds the speed of our vision?
4. God affirms many times in Quran that He's far beyond our imagination and that there's nothing whatever like unto him, doesn't that contradict Him being material?
5. When God says in the Chapter of Light that "He's the light of heavens and earth" and when he says that "He's Allah in heavens and earth" and "He's with you wherever you are", you consider this metaphors and figural speech , how can you blame those who consider that "God's hand is over their hand" and "Wherever you turn, there is the face of God" are also metaphors and figural speech, even though this is not only closer to the language of Arabs but also to to common sense !
You, Wahhabis embrace the beliefs of Jews and Christians concerning Allah, and yet we don't even dare to say that you have moved outside the tenets of Islam, because we know that God is above all comprehension, can't you in return save our blood and let God only be the judge between us and you in the day of judgment?
أين الله ؟
منذ انتشار الرؤية الأصولية الوهابية للإسلام مع صعود الدولة السعودية الحديثة أصبح لهذا السؤال حظ عظيم من الأهمية، فبينما كان السواد الأعظم من أهل السنة أشاعرة في مسائل العقيدة (يؤمنون أن الله لا يحده مكان) اعتنقت هذه الفرقة الجديدة التي بزغت من صحراء نجد رأي بعض علماء الحنابلة من المجسمة هناك، وهنا ظهرت مشكلة جديدة، أين الله؟ لابد أنه في السماء! لكن لأن الله يقول في آية الكرسي أن عرشه وسع السموات والأرض، هداهم تفكيرهم إلى أن الله مستو على عرشه فوق السماوات! هذه بعض الأسئلة التي أطرحها دفاعا عن الرأي الأشعري (وهي وجهة نظر معظم الفرق التي تنتسب للإسلام وليس الأشاعرة السنة فقط)
1. الله خلق السماوات والأرض في ستة أيام ولم يمسه تعب ولا إرهاق "ق38" وقال أيضا أنه سيطوي السماء كطي السجل في يوم موعود "الأنبياء104" وبما أن الله أزلي دائم كيف ننسبه لحدث عارض هو خالقه؟ وأين كان الله قبل خلق المكان؟
2. الله هو رب الزمان والقرآن ملي بأفعال في صيغة الماضي تصف أحداث ما زالت لم تحدث بالنسبة لنا، فإذا كان الله لا يحده الزمن، كيف يكون محدودا بالمكان، حتى لو لم نأخذ في اعتبارنا أن الزمن هو البعد الرابع؟.
3. كيف يكون الله مجسما وهو الذي لا تدركه الأبصار "الأنعام103" هل يمكن أن يحده مكان وهو فوق سرعة البصر، لا تدركه أبصارنا؟
4. الله يؤكد في القرآن أن ليس كمثله شيء وأن أفهامنا تعجز عن الوصول إلى حقيقته، ألا يتعارض هذا مع كونه مجسما؟
5. عندما يقول الله في سورة النور أنه "نور السموات والأرض" وعندما يقول "هو الله في السموات والأرض" في الأنعام3 و "هو معكم أينما كنتم" الحديد4 تُؤلون الكلام وتعتبرونه مجازا، فكيف تلومون من يقول أن "يد الله فوق أيديهم" الفتح10 و "أينما تولوا فثم وجه الله" البقرة 115 أيضا كلاما مجازيا، رغم أن هذا ليس فقط أقرب للعقل بل كذلك أقرب للغة العرب ؟
هنا بعض الروابط عن الوهابية التي أقصدهاوهابية
Thursday, February 25, 2010
لم أكن أعرف أن التسعينيات ستصبح ذكرى في غمضة عين، أجازات الصيف الدافئة .... الصيف المعتدل الحرارة المفعم
بطعم المانجو والأناناس ولعب الكرة في الشارع ومشاعر المراهقة صاروا حلما بعيدا، وأصبح لروايات الجيب وصوت مذيعي الإف
إم على شرائطي القديمة حرارة تذيب القلب، دروس ثانوي ومدرسة المنصورة العسكرية والتنسيق الخالد وحمى الألفية وأيامي الأولى
في كلية الطب هكذا مرقوا... حتى أغاني إن سينك وإنريكي أصبح لها مذاق نوستالجي عجيب ! كانت دنيا جميلة تملؤها أغاني فؤاد
وعامر وعمرو التي أصبحت الآن مليئة بالشجن. يااه ... لم أكن أعرف أن العمر سيُسرق منا بهذه السرعة
I didn't know that the 90s are going to be a memory in such a glance, Warm summer vacations .... The warm tender summer full of pineapples and mangoes, playing football in the streets with the pals, teenage feelings and Millennium Fever all have become a faraway dream, Now my old adventures novels and the F.M. songs recorded on my old tapes fill my heart with warmth, The high school and my first days in college .... Even the 90s pop songs started to have a strange nostalgic taste ! It was such a beautiful life full of emotions, naive dreams and N'SYNC songs :d.
I didn't know that lifetime will be stolen from us that fast :)
هذه التدوينة مهداة إلى كابتن ماجد :d
بطعم المانجو والأناناس ولعب الكرة في الشارع ومشاعر المراهقة صاروا حلما بعيدا، وأصبح لروايات الجيب وصوت مذيعي الإف
إم على شرائطي القديمة حرارة تذيب القلب، دروس ثانوي ومدرسة المنصورة العسكرية والتنسيق الخالد وحمى الألفية وأيامي الأولى
في كلية الطب هكذا مرقوا... حتى أغاني إن سينك وإنريكي أصبح لها مذاق نوستالجي عجيب ! كانت دنيا جميلة تملؤها أغاني فؤاد
وعامر وعمرو التي أصبحت الآن مليئة بالشجن. يااه ... لم أكن أعرف أن العمر سيُسرق منا بهذه السرعة
I didn't know that the 90s are going to be a memory in such a glance, Warm summer vacations .... The warm tender summer full of pineapples and mangoes, playing football in the streets with the pals, teenage feelings and Millennium Fever all have become a faraway dream, Now my old adventures novels and the F.M. songs recorded on my old tapes fill my heart with warmth, The high school and my first days in college .... Even the 90s pop songs started to have a strange nostalgic taste ! It was such a beautiful life full of emotions, naive dreams and N'SYNC songs :d.
I didn't know that lifetime will be stolen from us that fast :)
هذه التدوينة مهداة إلى كابتن ماجد :d
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